Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Electronic Medical Records In Myanmar - 1747 Words
Introduction Background of the Study Poor health information system has been a major challenge in healthcare delivery in many developing countries due to limited financial resources. Health information technology provides to collect, organize and present medical information in a system that will make it useful to all healthcare professionals (Robert E Hoyt, 2014). Electronic medical records (EMR) are a vital and basic part of the implementation of information technology in the healthcare industry. EMR systems have gained wide traction in the recent years in many countries worldwide as a good solution for them to overcome most of their problems in healthcare delivery services. While most hospitals and clinics in developed countries have†¦show more content†¦Among many potential advantages that EMR system bring, most tangible benefit is that changing to EMR system can help in generating unique patient identification and maintaining all information of a specific patient within a record under one unique ID (Joaquin A. Blaya, 2010). One of the biggest issues that used to happen in many developing hospitals is that patients receive a new serial number and new record each time they attend the hospital. The result of multiple encounters with different healthcare providers may lead to fragmentation of the patient’s record. Having a unique ID will prevent disintegration of medical record of each patient so that medical records can become more complete and reliable (Abdulai, 2009). From operating EMR system, unnecessary overloaded workforce of paper chart reviews can be reduced, and retrieving patient data, lab or x-ray results can be much easier (Robert E Hoyt, 2014) (Dr. Jitendranath Mungara, 2017). Another less noticeable benefit of EMR in long term use is its potential ability to reduce healthcare costs and improve quality of healthcare by reducing duplication of investigations and adverse drug events (Nolwazi Candice Sikhondze, 2016). EMR system thus facilitates productivity and efficien cy through increased coordination ofShow MoreRelatedAnalytical Report on Business Organization4233 Words  | 17 Pages  1        To:   Ms. Phone Thit Chairman Diamond Stars Group of companies  From:  CEO Myanmar Imperial Clinic (MIC)  Date:  Subject:                  04th April, 2013 Analytical Report on Business Organization   2 Executive Summary In early 2009, Myanmar Imperial Clinic was set up by Myanmar Medics Co., Ltd. Because of its extensive range of medical services and accurate diagnostic tests by international recognized specialists and outstanding clinical staffRead MoreU.s. Export Competitiveness : United States Essay2050 Words  | 9 Pagesexported machines, electronics, vehicles, oils, medical equipment and organic chemicals to other Asian and African countries thus making America a leading exporter for several decades. 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