Saturday, May 23, 2020
Similarities Between Wuthering Heights And The Great Gatsby
Homes and Connections In school, we are taught that many of the facts we have on ancient civilizations come from assumptions based on each civilization’s different archaeological sites--Roman aqueducts tell us about how knowledgeable their engineers were, Egyptian pyramids reveal how wealthy the Pharaohs were, and the Chinese Terracotta Warriors explain how mighty the emperor was. We tend to think, however, this type of analysis is proprietary to historical sites and figures, but this logic also applies to fictional places and people--especially in Wuthering Heights and the Great Gatsby. Within the worlds of each novel, Heathcliff and Gatsby’s dominant personality traits are developed, not through their actions as some believe, but†¦show more content†¦Still, it’s clear that Gatsby doubts his strategy as he follows up the house visit with another exhibition of wealth, this time with shirts made of â€Å"sheer linen and thick silk... with monograms of Indian Blue†(Fitz gerald 92). At first, it would appear that Gatsby’s belief that his wealth can buy him love is ratified, as his different displays of wealth all illicit positive reactions from Daisy including crying because â€Å"[she’s] never seen such beautiful shirts before†and exclamations like â€Å"I adore it!†and â€Å"its beautiful!†(Fitzgerald 92, 93). Eventually, though, we see how their love doesn’t go much deeper than Gatsby’s wealth. From the beginning, Gatsby’s sole mission is to get Daisy through his mansion’s door so that she can fall in love with him. Yet when she finally does make it to his estate, â€Å"she [tumbles] short of his dreams--not through her own fault, but because of the colossal vitality of his illusions†(Fitzgerald 95). Gatsbys sentiments are summed up perfectly when he and Daisy are sitting on the couch together; â€Å"there was no light save... the gleaming floor†all coming from the â€Å"solitary lamp†Gatsby turned on. The solitary lamp barely illuminating the room is like Daisy barely living up to Gatsby’s unreasonable expectations. Daisy is nothing but what Gatsby made her to be: some fantastic person for whom he was willing to throw epicShow MoreRelatedA Comparison of the Ways in Which Fitzgerald and Bronte Present Their Heroes. (2742 Words)196 9 Words  | 8 PagesFitzgerald and Bronte present their heroes. (2742 words) In both Wuthering Heights and The Great Gatsby, the authors have put the central focus for the readers on the romantic heroes of the text. The romantic heroes in the two texts are Gatsby and Heathcliff. These two characters are both very similar and very different and the following is a comparison of how each of them is presented in the novels. One thing which both Gatsby and Heathcliff have in common is that they both have a mysteriousRead MoreEssay Prompts4057 Words  | 17 PagesFaustus Orlando Don Quixote A portrait of the Artist as a Young Man A Gesture Life Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead Ghosts The Scarlet Letter Great Expectations Sister Carrie The Great Gatsby The Sound and Fury Gulliver’s Travels Sula Heart of Darkness The Sun Also Rises Invisible Man Their Eyes Were Watching God Joe Turner’s Come and Gone The Things They Carried King Lear The Turn of the
Monday, May 18, 2020
An Atomic Description of Silicon The Silicon Molecule
Crystalline silicon was the semiconductor material used in the earliest successful PV devices and continues to be the most widely used PV material today. While other PV materials and designs exploit the PV effect in slightly different ways, understanding how the effect works in crystalline silicon gives us a basic understanding of how it works in all devices. Understanding the Role of Atoms All matter is composed of atoms, which are, in turn, composed of positively charged protons, negatively charged electrons and neutral neutrons. The protons and neutrons, which are approximately equal in size, make up the close-packed central nucleus of the atom. This is where almost all the mass of the atom is located. Meanwhile, the much lighter electrons orbit the nucleus at very high velocities. Although the atom is built from oppositely charged particles, its overall charge is neutral because it contains an equal number of positive protons and negative electrons. An Atomic Description of Silicon The four electrons that orbit the nucleus in the outermost or valence energy level are given to, accepted from or shared with other atoms. The electrons orbit the nucleus at different distances and this is determined by their energy level. For example, an electron with less energy would orbit closer to the nucleus, whereas one of greater energy orbits further away. It is the electrons that are furthest from the nucleus that interact with those of neighboring atoms to determine the way solid structures are formed. The Silicon Crystal and Conversion of Solar Energy to Electricity Although the silicon atom has 14 electrons, their natural orbital arrangement allows only the outer four of these to be given to, accepted from, or shared with other atoms. These outer four electrons are called valence electrons and they play an immensely important role in producing the photovoltaic effect. So what is the photovoltaic effect or PV? The photovoltaic effect is the basic physical process through which a photovoltaic cell converts energy from the sun into usable electricity. Sunlight itself is composed of photons or particles of solar energy. And these photons contain various amounts of energy that correspond to the different wavelengths of the solar spectrum. It’s when silicon is in its crystalline form that conversion of solar energy into electricity can take place. Large numbers of silicon atoms can bond together to form a crystal through their valence electrons. In a crystalline solid, each silicon atom normally shares one of its four valence electrons in a covalent bond with each of four neighboring silicon atoms. The solid then consists of basic units of five silicon atoms: the original atom plus the four other atoms with which it shares its valence electrons. In the basic unit of a crystalline silicon solid, a silicon atom shares each of its four valence electrons with each of four neighboring atoms. The solid silicon crystal is composed of a regular series of units of five silicon atoms. This regular and fixed arrangement of silicon atoms is known as the crystal lattice.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Electronic Medical Records In Myanmar - 1747 Words
Introduction Background of the Study Poor health information system has been a major challenge in healthcare delivery in many developing countries due to limited financial resources. Health information technology provides to collect, organize and present medical information in a system that will make it useful to all healthcare professionals (Robert E Hoyt, 2014). Electronic medical records (EMR) are a vital and basic part of the implementation of information technology in the healthcare industry. EMR systems have gained wide traction in the recent years in many countries worldwide as a good solution for them to overcome most of their problems in healthcare delivery services. While most hospitals and clinics in developed countries have†¦show more content†¦Among many potential advantages that EMR system bring, most tangible benefit is that changing to EMR system can help in generating unique patient identification and maintaining all information of a specific patient within a record under one unique ID (Joaquin A. Blaya, 2010). One of the biggest issues that used to happen in many developing hospitals is that patients receive a new serial number and new record each time they attend the hospital. The result of multiple encounters with different healthcare providers may lead to fragmentation of the patient’s record. Having a unique ID will prevent disintegration of medical record of each patient so that medical records can become more complete and reliable (Abdulai, 2009). From operating EMR system, unnecessary overloaded workforce of paper chart reviews can be reduced, and retrieving patient data, lab or x-ray results can be much easier (Robert E Hoyt, 2014) (Dr. Jitendranath Mungara, 2017). Another less noticeable benefit of EMR in long term use is its potential ability to reduce healthcare costs and improve quality of healthcare by reducing duplication of investigations and adverse drug events (Nolwazi Candice Sikhondze, 2016). EMR system thus facilitates productivity and efficien cy through increased coordination ofShow MoreRelatedAnalytical Report on Business Organization4233 Words  | 17 Pages  1        To:   Ms. Phone Thit Chairman Diamond Stars Group of companies  From:  CEO Myanmar Imperial Clinic (MIC)  Date:  Subject:                  04th April, 2013 Analytical Report on Business Organization   2 Executive Summary In early 2009, Myanmar Imperial Clinic was set up by Myanmar Medics Co., Ltd. Because of its extensive range of medical services and accurate diagnostic tests by international recognized specialists and outstanding clinical staffRead MoreU.s. Export Competitiveness : United States Essay2050 Words  | 9 Pagesexported machines, electronics, vehicles, oils, medical equipment and organic chemicals to other Asian and African countries thus making America a leading exporter for several decades. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Breast Cancer A Genetic Disorder - 1876 Words
INTRODUCTION Breast cancer is a genetic disorder occurs in breast cells because of irregularities in cell growth and division. It mostly occurs due to modifications of regulatory genes known as oncogene and tumor suppressor genes [1].Around 180,000 cases of breast cancer are diagnosed in United States and 40,000 people die each year [2]. Approximately 50% of hereditary breast cancer cases reported are related to error in repair mechanisms due to loss of BRCA1 AND BRCA2 genes. It is important to scrutinize incidence rate as it can help estimate lifetime and age-conditional risks. Established factors that increase risk of breast cancer are; age, familial history, previous radiation therapy and exposure to estrogen. STAGES OF BREAST CANCER DESCRIPTION TREATMENT FOR EACH STAGE GRADING OF BREAST CANCER DESCRIPTION STAGE 0 Cancer cell is benign and not invasive, the irregular cell is contained in ducts. It can be easily diagnosed through mammography screening, it can be treated with surgery and radiation therapy GRADE 1 cancer cells looks normal under microscope and is well differentiated STAGE 1 Cancer cells become invasive and very small tumor grows nearby or in lymph node When diagnosed early it can be treated with radiation therapy, surgery, HRT STAGE 2 Cancer cells begin to metastasized and spread to nearby lymph node or large cancer it can be treated with surgery, anti-estrogen and chemotherapyShow MoreRelatedEssay on Breast Cancer847 Words  | 4 PagesBreast Cancer Chromosome 17 and BRCA1 Among the most common diseases affecting the female population, breast cancer develops in one of every eight American women. This means that almost 200,000 women suffer from the disease each year. Doctors would advise women to take necessary precautions, such as routine surveillance, in order to ensure a life without obtaining this disease prior to understanding any genetic linkage of breast cancer. Although many external factors contribute to breastRead MoreGenetic Markers : A Genetic Marker1641 Words  | 7 Pagesunattainable without genetic markers. In everyone there are certain markers that can allow a geneticist to determine a person’s medical future, certain medicines work with some genetic markers and not with others. Many genes are linked to certain diseases and allow a geneticist to possibly prevent diseases. A genetic marker is a DNA sequence with a known specific location on the chromosome, they can be a great indicator for genetic disorders and any other heredit ary diseases. Genetic markers are alsoRead MoreLifelong Health Benefits of Mandatory Genetic Screenings1497 Words  | 6 Pagesand introduction to the field of medicine more than a century ago, genetic screenings have become incorporated in many fields of healthcare, including reproductive health and cancer prevention. Genetic screening is a method of identifying genetic disorders through the study of an individual’s DNA. They can be used to determine predisposition for various disorders such as Alzheimer’s, breast cancer, and sickle cell anemia. Genetic screenings inform individuals about their state of health and can helpRead MoreCauses And Treatments Of Breast Cancer1587 Words  | 7 PagesWHAT IS CANCER? Cancer can be said to be a generic term for a large collection of diseases that can have an effect on any part of the body, it can be sometimes called malignant tumors and neoplasms. In other words, cancer can be defined as the rapid creation of abnormal cells that grow beyond their normal boundaries, which are capable of invading adjoining parts of the body and spread through to the organs. However, this process is referred to as metastasis, which is the major cause of death fromRead MoreCell Signaling Essay1583 Words  | 7 Pageshuman disease breast cancer and sickle cell anemia have been the most prevalent. The importance of these topics in reference to breast cancer and sickle cell anemia are the background information on these diseases, the general population affected, what gene/proteins are involved in these diseases, the symptoms of the diseases, the experimental research, and the key advances/ problems relaying to treatment for the diseases. Understanding the background information and how much breast cancer affects peopleRead MoreWhat Is Biotechnology And Its Ramification To Breast Cancer1101 Words  | 5 PagesBiotechnology and its Ramification to Breast Cancer According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2014; 236,968 women and 2,141 men in the United States were diagnosed with breast cancer. And 41,211 women and 465 men in the United States died from breast cancer (U.S. Cancer Statistics Working Group, 2017). That volume of death could have drastically been decreased if the clinicians, physicians, and oncologists utilized the Mammaprint. To understand the way Mammaprint makesRead MoreTaking a Look at Breast Cancer1758 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Breast cancer is the most common cause of cancer-related death among females in the world. It is known for â€Å"have both a genetic and non-genetic etiology†(Milne et al., 2010). It involves a combination of several factors- such as â€Å"genetic, environmental and behavioral risk factors†- that are unique to each individual (Nickels et al., 2013). This type of cancer is represented by a malignant tumor manifested in breast cells such as the line duct and line lobules cells, just to name a fewRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer946 Words  | 4 PagesSkylar Steinman Period 6 Ms. Jobsz 12 February , 2016 Breast Cancer It is commonly known that Breast Cancer is one of the most insidious diseases that mankind has had to deal with. With the discovery of the BRCA1( BReast Cancer gene one) and BRCA2 (BReast Cancer gene two) genes, breast cancer can be detected with a great amount of certainty on a genetic level in some women and men. 40,000 women and men die of breast cancer each year. Knowing this it is very important to try to detect the mutationRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer Essay1433 Words  | 6 PagesBreast cancer is a carcinoma that develops due to malignant cells in the breast tissue. Cancerous cells are more likely to produce in the milk-producing ducts and the glands, ductal carcinoma, but in rare cases, breast cancer can develop in the stromal, fatty, tissues or surrounding lymph nodes, especially in the underarm (Breast Cancer). For women, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer and the 2nd leading cause of cancer death – behind skin cancer. While treatme nt or surgeries canRead MoreEssay on Benefits of Human Cloning614 Words  | 3 Pageshaving children. Human cloning could make it possible for many more infertile couples to have children than ever before possible. †¢ Plastic, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery. Because of human cloning and its technology the days of silicone breast implants and other cosmetic procedures that may cause immune disease should soon be over. With the new technology, instead of using materials foreign to the body for such procedures, doctors will be able to manufacture bone, fat, connective tissue
A Book Report on Irene Hunt’s Free Essays
Irene Hunt’s No Promises in the Wind (1975) is a story about the plight of fifteen-year-old Josh and his brother Joey, set in the desperate state of the U.S. during the Great Depression of the ‘30s. We will write a custom essay sample on A Book Report on Irene Hunt’s or any similar topic only for you Order Now The two boys hailed from Chicago, born from a middle class family. The Stock market crashed signaling the start of the Depression (Great Depression, 2005). This has been â€Å"particularly severe in Chicago because of the city’s reliance on manufacturing, the hardest hit sector nationally†(Deutsch, 2005). More than half of the workforce lost their jobs (Deutsch, 2005), including their father, Stephan. When this happened their father changed from someone who is kindhearted into a bitter, angry man. Those times were ridden with problems and he takes his anger out on his oldest son Josh. But rather, it could be supposed that he is angrier with himself for being helpless in their situation, what with the pressures of providing for his family. Desperate times necessitate that kids those days mature early, and even though Josh is a mere boy, he leaves his family with his best friend Howie with dreams of being musicians, his little brother Joey tagging along. The brothers experience a devastating blow when Howie got run over by a train. When they continued to venture forth, they realize how hard to make it out in the real world. They were cold and hungry, at times even resorting to begging for food. They meet a lot of interesting and endearing people along the way and saw how people from different parts of the country, such as Louisiana and Nebraska, were being affected by the Depression. Such people like Lonnie, a generous trucker who tries to help them whenever he can despite tough times, and Emily, a beautiful and attractive a circus clown. Hunt paints a harrowing portrait of that period and how desperate times change people, emotionally and psychologically. She shows that when the going gets tough, man’s instincts for survival take over, even at the sake of common goodness and humanity. On the other side of the coin, it is also a testament that kindness still endures. The story is largely character driven, and the author makes good use of her skill in portraying emotions, especially how the Depression changed people. With deft descriptions and stirring language, she conjures a moving image of a desperate America, and what people do in order to survive. Some parts could seem too unrealistic, such as Josh’s illogical ambitions and the brothers’ seemingly continuous luck, but in the end it is successful in providing us a glimpse of the general populace’s real state of living during that period. References Deutsch, T. (2005). Great Depression. In The Electronic Encyclopedia of Chicago. Retrieved November 22, 2005, from Great Depression. (2005). In Wikipedia. Retrieved November 23, 2005, from Hunt, I. (1975). No Promises in the Wind. Chicago: Follet Publishing.  How to cite A Book Report on Irene Hunt’s, Papers
Graffiti Is Art free essay sample
The creativity of graffiti art evolved along with the human race. Romans, Greeks, Mayans, and Vikings have created historic forms of graffiti that have help gain an understanding of their past culture and languages. The graffiti we view in our streets nowadays is called modern graffiti. This graffiti era originated with the mix of hip-hop culture and the graffiti art that is found in New York City subways. Graffiti artist have used this mixture on canvases, murals, drawings, and paintings. Many people consider graffiti art as vandalism, yet graffiti murals consist of the same qualities of famous paintings exhibited museums. Graffiti murals are art for several reasons. Graffiti art murals can bring beauty to areas that are depressing. There are many suburban areas in Los Angeles that are in need of appealing images, such as murals. A website that has studied and described why graffiti murals are considered art is GRAFFITI. We will write a custom essay sample on Graffiti Is Art or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page ORG/FAQ/STOWERS. HTML. In the article â€Å"Graffiti Art: An Essay Concerning The Recognition of Some Forms of Graffiti As Art,†George C. Stowers states, â€Å"Graffiti art [†¦] beautifies the community by appearing on areas that normally would be eyesores, such as a wall in a vacant lot or an abandoned building†lt;http://www. raffiti. org/faq/stowers. htmlgt;. In this quote, we read that graffiti art is able to bring beauty to a rather bleak environment. Once a graffiti mural is completed on an abandoned building, the building itself will not be recognized as just another wall of concrete or bricks; instead, this abandoned building will project a mural that will attract people. A graffiti mural not only beautifies the surface where it is created but also its surroundings, such as the community. A community will get to enjoy a mural rather than a depressing wall of concrete. Murals tend to be large images that easily draw attention. There are many concrete walls in communities that are hardly looked at. Why doesn’t the concrete wall draw attention? There is nothing to observe except the common gray color of concrete. However, a mural places importance to a concrete wall. Murals can be inspirational images to some and to others it will remain as a valuable work of art. Why not a beautiful mural on a wall instead of a depressing concrete wall? Graffiti art murals can bring beauty to areas that are depressing.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Community Management and Organizations Hierarchical leadership
Questions: 1. Why is it important that leaders understand cultural diversity in modern day organisations?2. How can leaders influence and support cultural diversity in the workplace? Answers: 1. Cultural diversity of Australia is considered as the national strength of the country. There are people from various countries resides in Australia. In modern business world, employees are the assets of the organization. The multinational organizations of Australia recruit candidates not only from Australia but also from other parts of the world. Apart from that, the Australians also consist of people of different aboriginals. People usually belong to Anglo Celtic background. Leaders of different organizations has identified that leadership of different organizations at different levels include Anglo cultural styles (Hoch Kozlowski, 2014). For maintaining equality in the country and organizations there are anti-discrimination act that helps the organizations in maintaining equality among various employees of the organization. Inclusive leadership is the step that the leaders can practice in multinational organizations. Performance of the various departments of organizations depen ds on the performance of the employees associated with the particular task or particular department. Leaders must understand cultural diversities in the organizations to drive their team into excellence (Liden, 2012). Many research have illustrated the fact that multicultural teams are usually more productive than that of teams of monoculture. However, many authors have contradicted about the productivity of multicultural teams among various organizations. It is the responsibility of the leader that drives the excellence as well as the performance of the employees of the organization. The article says that a diverse workforce helps organizations in making better decisions in many cases. McKinsey conducted an analysis that illustrates a positive relationship between team leaders and the team members of multicultural teams. Approximately 366 companies from various countries from Canada, United Kingdom, United States and Latin America, are found perform well with an increase of 35% in terms of financial returns. The present representation in terms of cultural diversity in various aspects of leadership is responsible for reflecting few impediments in terms of equal opportunity. Existence of these impediments represents the lack of talents within the organization. In many cases, organizations will not promote their best talents due to lack of leadership practices within the organizational level (VanderPal Ko, 2014). If cultural diversity is not maintained properly then in many cases innovation and opportunities for growth can be squandered. A team of diverse cultural background in organizations help in providing many unique ideas regarding a certain problem that are discussed among the middle level management. Leaders need to understand the need of diversity management in terms of development of team performance as well as organizational development. A proper understanding of the group cohesiveness along with group productivity and talent management is positively correlated with the cultural diversity in the teams as well as in organizations. There is a relationship between senior leadership, data and accountability and culture in the framework of cultural management. Improved performance of the organization is the result of maintaining cross-cultural communication between the multicultural teams in a way so that new ideas can be grasped from them. As it is mentioned earlier that teams of diverse culture leads to higher financial return (Ng Sears, 2012). The leaders have to utilize the talents present within the team members effectively. Apart from that, the concept of human capital is also related with the diversity in organizational culture. Leaders are considered as the pathfinder of the organizations. Human capital is the intangible assets of a company that are considered as core competencies and competitive advantage in terms of employee development. It is the responsibility of the leaders to utilize the human capital in an effective w ay. There are many factors that are mentioned above must be followed by leaders in terms of following cultural diversity among the organizations (Kim Van Dyne, 2012). 2. Leaders of multinational organizations must practice inclusion and diversity within the company. Whenever a company opts for inclusion in the organizational level then the employees of diverse cultural background feel a sense of belongingness and sense of uniqueness in their team and organization as a whole. It means that the workers are being recognized from their senior managers and are allowed to take part in decision-making process of the organization. Recognitions are based on their talents on the respected field. They are considered as insiders in the teams and are associated with sharing common goals and objectives within the team. This concept is known as inclusive leadership. The target of inclusive leadership is to include the practice of inclusion in the organization as well as in the teams. The leaders in the organization that are included in the inclusive leadership of the organization emphasize some factors that are mentioned in the article. The factors of courage, e mpowerment, humility and accountability are the factors that are responsible for the psychological safety of the culturally diversified employees. Inclusive leadership is characterized by helping individuals by the leaders (Johansson Cherro, 2013). Apart from that, the leaders can follow many leadership styles in the company according to the nature of the employees and the organization. The different types of leadership are transformational leadership, situational leadership, participative leadership, etc. that can be practiced in order to maintaining diversity and inclusion in companies among the employees. Participative leadership is similar to that of the inclusive leadership (Ashikali Groeneveld, 2015). Multinational organizations have to work with teams that are present at different subsidiaries of the parent organizations. Effective communication has to be maintained so that the flow of communication between the team members can be maintained. It will result in the transfer of knowledge between the members. A concrete solution can be formulated as the thinking procedures of the diverse background employees are different from one culture to another culture. The diverse range of employees will help in improved financial re turns and increased efficiency of the team. Diversity can be maintained both in terms of culture and in terms of gender (Lawrence, 2015). Both gender equality and cultural equality leads in the enriched organizational culture of the companies across Australia. The article provides a technique of skin in the game technique in maintaining cultural diversity among the teams of the companies. It includes equality of both gender and culture. Every employees should pay equal opportunity to male and female workers. Apart from that, training and developmental program are developed by the multinational organizations that focus on the problems faced by the employees as well as strategic management of the organization. Developmental programs are formed by the various aspects so that productivity of the team as well as individual performance of the employees. The nature of the program must be different in terms of the problem faced by every team in the organization (Moran et al., 2014). Global leaders follow situational leadership style that is formed according the characteristics and behaviour of the team members. All the methods and approach of cross-cultural communication and cultural diversity has a particular goal towards the company. They are focused for the career development of the employees as well as the different other facilities provided to them. Finally, the organizational performance can be raised including improved financial returns and return on investment (Van Knippenberg et al., 20 13). References Ashikali, T., Groeneveld, S. (2015). Diversity Management in Public Organizations and Its Effect on Employees Affective Commitment The Role of Transformational Leadership and the Inclusiveness of the Organizational Culture.Review of Public Personnel Administration,35(2), 146-168. Hoch, J. E., Kozlowski, S. W. (2014). Leading virtual teams: Hierarchical leadership, structural supports, and shared team leadership.Journal of applied psychology,99(3), 390. Johansson, P., Cherro, S. (2013). How do you manage the pressure?: How time, type, complexity and cultural diversity affects the relationship between leadership styles and project success. Kim, Y. J., Van Dyne, L. (2012). Cultural intelligence and international leadership potential: The importance of contact for members of the majority.Applied psychology,61(2), 272-294. Lawrence, T. (2015). Global leadership communication: A strategic proposal.Creighton Journal of Interdisciplinary Leadership,1(1), 51-59. Liden, R. C. (2012). Leadership research in Asia: A brief assessment and suggestions for the future.Asia Pacific Journal of Management,29(2), 205-212. Moran, R. T., Abramson, N. R., Moran, S. V. (2014).Managing cultural differences. Routledge. Ng, E. S., Sears, G. J. (2012). CEO leadership styles and the implementation of organizational diversity practices: Moderating effects of social values and age.Journal of Business Ethics,105(1), 41-52. Van Knippenberg, D., van Ginkel, W. P., Homan, A. C. (2013). Diversity mindsets and the performance of diverse teams.Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,121(2), 183-193. VanderPal, G., Ko, V. S. C. (2014). An Overview of Global Leadership: Ethics, Values, Cultural Diversity and Conflicts.Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics,11(3), 166.
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