Friday, September 4, 2020
Rampant Child Labor Free Essays
â€Å"The youngsters are the eventual fate of our nation.†This well known line of Dr. Jose Rizal has picked up conspicuousness particularly among strategy producers in their journey to create and execute laws and projects that will impel the absolute improvement of a nation’s a huge number of kids. We will compose a custom article test on Uncontrolled Child Labor or on the other hand any comparable point just for you Request Now I for one concur with Rizal’s vision since every youngster is a possible donor in the improvement of society. A youngster may appear to be immaterial in deciding the status or state of a general public, however on the whole it is a significant determinant in a society’s progress. Shockingly, in the Philippines, road youngsters are casualties of dealing for unlawful business and prostitution. This is because of the destitution, craving and misuse which a road youngster encounters at an early age. Road kids become increasingly powerless to these illicit medicines due to the absence of training and mindfulness toward their general public, condition and human rights. Thus, they will in general negligence training and begin working at an early age to have the option to help themselves just as their family monetarily. Youngster work is the unlawful work of kids beneath the age of 15, where they are not legitimately under the sole duty of their folks or lawful watchmen. Besides, the child’s work jeopardizes their life, security, wellbeing and ethics or it obstructs them from tutoring. It additionally incorporates the circumstance of youngsters beneath the age of 18 who are utilized in perilous occupations. In the 1997 Asian discussion on Child Labor, delegates of government and non-government associations, just as the youngster laborers themselves counted the most unfortunate types of kid work. These incorporate the accompanying: prostitution of youngsters and comparative work in media outlets, kids utilized as warriors, mining and quarrying, development work, remote ocean fishing, pirating of unlawful substances, searching and fireworks. The negative effect of youngster work frequently makes hopeless harm the child’s physical and mental turn of events. Kids who begin working at an early age in all probability experience the ill effects of respiratory illnesses, passings, helpless sustenance, physical wellbeing risks, explicitly transmitted ailment and hostile to social conduct. Likewise, they hugely diminish instructive chances, which later prompts dropping-out and ignorance. Since they have relinquished their instructive duties, it is hard for them to quit working. Today, on account of the expansion in youngster work, the fundamental least time of work in the Philippines is contained in Republic Act 7658. The base time of work for perilous is contained in the Labor Code. These two laws are supplemented by other national laws containing a few arrangements. Since 1988, the Government of the Philippines, in organization with UNICEF among others, has set up programs for youngster work which looks to cancel exploitative kid work and give security, mending and recuperation for kid laborers. We, understudies who get sufficient training can help in diminishing youngster work through numerous methods. We could instruct little youngsters about the estimation of training since they will comprehend us better since we are essentially a similar age. For example, in kid to-kid ventures, we can attempt to manufacture a child’s confidence and self-esteem. We could likewise help produce salary for helpless families and associations. Moreover, by essentially dealing with our condition which incorporates families, school grounds, or our locale, we are helping by giving youngsters a more advantageous air for growing up. This would lessen affliction and ponder our physical standpoint. These are only a portion of the numerous basic ways wherein we could help road kids elevate their day to day environment. Instructions to refer to Rampant Child Labor, Papers
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Effects of Computer Essay
There is no uncertainty that innovation has become a huge piece of people’s lives these days. It has become a day by day part of people’s routine whether it is at home or at the work environment. Right now, individuals, particularly the youthful ones, are found cell phones, TVs, gaming comforts, music players, and other electronic contraptions. Numerous individuals can't leave their homes without their cell phones or music players. Be that as it may, the innovation that likely has the most impact on today’s society is the PC. Practically all families own a PC or a versatile PC, which is utilized for individual reasons. All through the world, organizations use the PC to maintain their organizations. One of the impacts that PCs have made to society is the capacity to convey easily. This is made conceivable using different innovations including the Internet. Individuals who are isolated by significant distances are currently ready to talk, send texts or messages with only a couple of snaps. There is no compelling reason to hang tight for quite a long time for a manually written letter to show up. Individuals don't have to spend on significant distance calls since PCs would permit them to visit and view their friends and family over the Internet. To be sure, PCs have crossed the hole that separation has made. â€Å"The capacity to impart across societies, across national limits, generally rapidly, and with liberated right to speak freely has always changed the manner by which individuals live†(Odom, 2004, p. 25). PCs didn't just made correspondence between friends and family simpler yet additionally, it made correspondence among associates and laborers a lot simpler. A lot of papers is spared ordinary since representatives don't need to print records and letters constantly. Presently that PCs and systems administration are accessible, workers just need to send messages or texts for casual archives or trade of data. The Internet likewise caused feasible for organizations to deal with their organizations abroad. This spares them the time, cash, and exertion when going to and from various work places. The most significant impact that PC has brought to society is the simplicity of get-together data from the Internet. Individuals don't need to go to libraries to investigate for their homework or activities at work. They don't need to head out to places just to perceive what these spots bring to the table in light of the fact that the Internet has all the data about the world that they need. There is no reason to be uninformed in light of the fact that regardless of whether the Internet isn't accessible, there are smaller plates in the market, which contains assortment of data much like a reference book. Nonetheless, it is essential to demonstrate that not all things are certain with regards to computers’ consequences for society. Examination has indicated that â€Å"a quarter of five-year-olds have Internet access in their room and around half of youngsters approached in theirs, spending a normal of 2. 2 hours every day on long range interpersonal communication sites†(Ager, 2009). The enormous measure of time they spend and the measure of introduction they have on PCs and other mechanical gadgets is bargaining their perusing and relational abilities, which may bargain their future as expert grown-ups. PCs have demonstrated to turn out to be valuable development in today’s society. One can't envision life as of now without the assistance of PCs and the Internet. Its belongings are felt inside the house as well as at business destinations and instructive foundations, and nearly everybody is influenced by it either straightforwardly or by implication. Notwithstanding, individuals ought to likewise understand that simply like some other thing, depending a lot on PCs could likewise have its burdens. In that capacity, while utilizing the PC and different innovations is unavoidable, individuals should likewise figure out how to remove themselves from it and figure out how to do basic things without the utilization of innovation. References Ager, J. (2009, January 21). The new age that’s developing before a screen. Recovered January 22, 2009, from http://www. northantset. co. uk/news/The-new-age that39s-developing. 4896795. jp Odom, W. (2004). PC Networking First-step. Indiana: Cisco Press.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Vietnam war Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Vietnam war - Essay Example The North Vietnamese powers were bolstered by the Soviet Union by sending military supplies through its own intermediary, socialist China. The South Vietnamese were at first bolstered by the Americans by sending its military guides yet in the end the Americans engaged in the war by battling straightforwardly themselves. The main driver of the Vietnam War is the American confidence in the â€Å"domino theory†chain response which sets that socialism was spreading in Southeast Asia and soon the nations in the area will fall into the socialist coalition if America won't mediate mightily to stop it.1 The aftereffect of the Vietnam War was unfriendly for the United States of America as it lost in a war battled on military footing which was battled for the most part as a non-ordinary or guerrilla war. It denoted the decay of American superpower status as it was vanquished by an underdeveloped nation. America entered a noninterventionist and conservative period as there was a solid enemy of war general assessment or opinion against beginning new wars that cost a huge number of American lives in remote lands.2 everything considered, the Vietnam War made Americans careful about military adventurism
Focal Point Of A Shopping Mall Cultural Studies Essay
Point of convergence Of A Shopping Mall Cultural Studies Essay Shopping center is definitely the principle point of convergence in numerous Malaysia city and shopping has become the Malaysian most loved hobby during ends of the week. In addition, arrangement of super deals and rebate occasions have empowered the demonstration of utilization, turning the mall become one of imperative component in our way of life. The job of mall is bit by bit supplanting existing open space in numerous cutting edge Asian urban communities where the individuals don't have open stops or squares to home base. Rather, an end of the week family undertaking may simply spend in the cinema or eateries inside shopping center. Along these lines, strip mall is developing into another power whose effect ought not be ignored. These days, another sort of mall known as the way of life focus started developing in Malaysia. As indicated by International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC), the way of life focus includes an outdoors engineering, normally top of the line retailers, could conceivably incorporate stay stores, and has a huge centralization of feasting and diversion offices. The properties are generally all around finished and offer open air work of art, music, and cable cars or streetcars for on location transportation. It is expected to help a shopping as amusement attitude and has gotten exceptionally famous in well-off networks. We can see the develop of way of life shopping centers in Greater Kuala Lumpur particularly rural Kuala Lumpur, for example, 1Mont Kiara, The Curve, Jaya One, Wangsa Walk, Sunway Giza, Alamanda Putrajaya and the rundown goes on. Started in US, way of life focus joining the conventional retail elements of a shopping center with relaxation civilities in a town square or central avenue setting have gotten regular in prosperous rural regions and are currently one of the most well known retail organizes in US. In any case, in Malaysia, the experts are quicker to remember it as Lifestyle Mall since the greater part of them are indoor setting yet fused with outside strolling shopping center. In this way, hereinafter, I will utilize the term way of life shopping center in depicting the Malaysia setting. 2.0 Problem Statement The development of way of life shopping centers suggests intriguing conversation starter for urbanism in Malaysia. Urban areas in the Malaysia particularly Greater Kuala Lumpur are described by rambling rural, which an example of advancement being censured by a few scholars. As per Jane Jacobs in her book The Death and Life of Great American Cities, she contending that innovator arranging approaches that advanced expressway development has been wrecked many existing downtown networks (Jacobs, 1961). From that point onward, others essayists, for example, Joel Garreau, Dolores Hayden and Robert Bruegmann concurred that rural spread happened to the damaging of urban life in America (Garreau, 1991; Hayeden Wark, 2004; Bruegmann, 2006). Moreover, the vast majority of the pundits on the quick suburbanization that happened in America just as Malaysia, is the changing of urban and social texture in a few different ways, both truly and socially. As indicated by Harriet Tregoning, he expresses that vehicles have gotten important to working, shopping and living in rural urban communities. The developing reliance on vehicles required by low thickness, rambling area use has significant ramifications. Individuals living in additionally rambling locales will in general drive more prominent separation, own more vehicles, inhale progressively contaminated air, face a more serious danger of traffic fatalities and walk and utilize travel less. One of the most widely recognized contentions is that rural improvement segregated neighborhoods from the business zones and working spots that served them, in this manner making rambling, grating blend of single family houses, strip malls and office stops over the rural scene (Duanny, 2000; Kunstler, 1993). A considerable lot of the physical and social components that comprised the soul of the city craftsmanship, metro life just as open domain were lost during the time spent spatial isolation (Garreau, 1991; Duanny, 2000; Hayeden Wark, 2004; Bruegmann, 2006). Suburbanization will in general seclude enormous gatherings of society forestalling the contact between various individuals from the populace that is basic in progressively customary urban settings. As indicated by Fellmann et all, the upwardly portable occupant of the city-more youthful, wealthier and better instructed exploited the car and interstate to leave the focal city. The less fortunate and more established individuals were deserted. The focal urban areas and rural areas turned out to be progressively separated. Krueger and Gibbs expressed that Suburbanization produces colossal impediments to the formation of a feeling of personality with the area of living arrangement, since the connections created are negligible and the absence of social ties understands having a place with a spot troublesome (Krueger Gibbs, 2007). Duany composes It is hard to recognize a portion of the populace that doesn't experience the ill effects of the way of life forced by contemporary rural turn of events (Duany, 2000). From a social point of view, most pundits contend that in the suburbs, the private domain is special over that of people in general. In this way, without sufficient open space, there is a serious lack of settings where social collaboration can occur on the grounds that sharing the open domain, individuals have their chance to interface, and subsequently come to understand that they have little motivation to fear one another. (Duany, 2000) The advancement of strip mall improvement in Kuala Lumpur started with the opening of the primary reason manufactured grocery stores and emporiums, for example, Weld Supermarket, Yuyi Emporium, etc. The main shopping complex, Ampang Park showed up in 1973, trailed by Campbell Complex, Wisma Stephen, Wisma Central, Sun Complex, Pertama Complex, Wisma MPI and Angkasaraya. These shopping buildings are basically retail improvements situated inside a platform square of a shopping cum office advancement. Stay occupants are nonexistent and the edifices have poor comforts and stopping offices. The retail outlets are commonly little and the format configuration is poor with minimal passerby dissemination and wasteful utilization of room. C:Documents and SettingsyshearMy Documentspublic spacepertama.bmp Pertama Complex in Jalan Tunku Abdul Rahman is among the original shopping edifices in Kuala Lumpur. The second era of 80s shopping buildings were reason manufactured shopping edifices, for example, Sungai Wang Plaza (1978), Bukit Bintang Plaza (1979), Kota Raya (1982), Yow Chuan Plaza (1983), Imbi Plaza (1985), KL Plaza (1985), The Mall (1987), The Weld (1988) and Pudu Plaza (1989). These edifices appreciate great availability as they are situated on principle streets or at occupied intersections of blood vessel or primary streets. Sufficient parking areas are given and simple passageway and leave focuses are deliberately situated for the comfort of customers who travel via vehicle. C:Documents and SettingsyshearMy Documentspublic spaceb_1sungeiwang.jpg Sg Wang Plaza, one of the mainstream strip malls arranged in Bukit Bintang shopping region of Kuala Lumpur. The shopping edifices have much better structure and the selection of a reasonable occupant blend has taken stage in the general arranging, renting and plan of the buildings. The size, dissemination and format of the retail parts are likewise deliberately arranged and structured. Stay inhabitants, for example, Metrojaya, Eon Jusco, Isetan, Parkson are utilized as magnets and are deliberately situated to encourage the progression of customers in the edifices. With quick monetary development and urbanization in the Klang Valley, a wide scope of social and financial elements have joined to impact the patterns in strip mall advancement. The third era of strip malls, from the 1990s to the present, has seen the introduction of new mammoths, with the size decide the champ of rivalry. Mega estimated focuses with tremendous retail space, frequently crossing in excess of 2,000,000 square feet and with different grapple occupants, numerous scaled down stays and a large group of shop parcels. Colossal vehicle leaves pleasing in excess of 3000 vehicles are normal, with a system of interior streets and access to primary streets and roadways. These super strip malls are normally situated in suburbia and they incorporate Sunway Pyramid, Mid Valley Megamall, One Utama Shopping Center, and Tropicana City Mall, etc. Maybe being colossal guarantees achievement. All the mega estimated strip malls have their individual specialty showcases and are flourishing in any event, confronting rivalry with every others. For instance, Sunway Pyramid coordinated with its own arranged hotel Sunway Lagoon. No matter what, all strip malls must have great or extraordinary product blend and solid retail attractions so as to prevail notwithstanding hardened rivalry. C:Documents and SettingsyshearMy Documentspublic spacemid valley.jpg Mid Valley Megamall, the Malaysias biggest rural mall with 3 grapple inhabitants situated in Bangsar. The pattern is moving towards hypermarkets, which might be overriding a portion of the old pop and mother style basic food item business. Hypermarkets are normally tremendous independent general store and retail chain type retail outlets. Carrefour, Tesco, Giant are mushrooming over the rural urban areas all through Peninsular Malaysia. For instance, Giant, the biggest retailer in Malaysia are right now works 107 stores across the nation and there are more stores opening soon. Then again, Tesco has works 36 stores all through Peninsular Malaysia to date. Mammoth Hypermarket, the biggest retailer in Malaysia is working in excess of 100 stores all through Malaysia. The central point which have contributed towards the rise of rural malls and hypermarkets are because of the suburbanization of private turn of events. With restricted land accessible for private advancement in the city, lodging has spread to the encompassing area at the city borders with immense space of accessible grounds. With arrangement of street foundation, the youthful, versatile, rich and white collar class families who interest for greater homes and increasingly lavish highlights and better nature of living have relocated
Friday, August 21, 2020
Environmental Factors the Affect the Marketing Procedures of Coca Cola International Essay
Coca Cola is a global business organization that needs worldwide publicizing also. Organizations burn through billions of publicizing dollars consistently in light of the fact that they realize that watchers are impacted by what they see and hear. They don’t go through that cash since they figure promoting may work; they realize it works. It sells their items. In 2004, The Coca-Cola Company burned through 2. 2 billion dollars promoting its items worldwide in print, on the radio, and on TV. Was the speculation beneficial? The organization made almost 22 billion dollars in benefits for that year. Promoters understand that one advertisement may not influence conduct. Rather, they depend on the combined effect of long periods of inculcation. In all actuality, with only a minute’s airing of a notice, somewhere in the range of thousands of buyers are fairly pulled in to purchase the items appeared on TV. In view of this reality, it could be noticed that promoting is fairly considered as one of the significant strategies of advertising that any sort of organization could contribute upon. In any case, the inquiry is how certain are the publicists that their items would sell up through the introduction that they make through promoting? What are the components that add to the said impacts of promoting showcasing to the purchasers? This is what is considered inside the conversation of how the natural factors really influence the effect of promoting towards the objective customers. The Marketing Strategy’s Effective Placement As noted before, Coca Cola is a worldwide refreshment organization that really handles the creation of beverages that are probably going to mitigate the drinking needs of the shoppers. Be that as it may, selling refreshments may not have all the earmarks of being as simple as it looks. The vast majority would consider the refreshments introduced by Coca Cola to the general public are likely for hot occasions as it were. How at that point is the organization adapting up to its deals during cold season? It is certain that Coca Cola, upon perception, attempts to make the best out of the time that they are given. It could be noticed that in any event, during the virus seasons, the said organization can draw in shoppers that are likely partial to the refreshments that they offer regardless of what climate there might be. December is likely the winter time which as a rule provides food hot refreshments and their advancements to the purchasing open. Be that as it may, Coca Cola figured out how to utilize the said ecological change regarding climate for their own favorable position. Coca Cola’s ad of Santa Claus holding Coke Beverages is in reality an alluring methodology, while the organization made ready to a more refreshing matter of the period than that of the chilly climate itself. It was a somewhat innovative methodology that has given this commercial a significant distinction from that of the other advertising techniques utilized by a similar organization. Clearly, their way to deal with the circumstance has set them in a superior edge against their rivals in the business in this way giving the organization preferred increases over the others for yearly profitability for the whole business association. End Weather is only one specific factor in the publicizing and advertising word that really influences the methodology of item advancement in the field of buyer maker relationship. It is unquestionable through that climate, single all things considered, greatly affects the introduction of commercials during explicit seasons as recommended by nature itself. Coca Cola then again has had the option to take dependable thought of these unavoidable changes in the earth for the their own great that really traces the likelihood that they are then given the legitimate portion of their own inventiveness in introducing their showcasing approach in the field of publicizing. Thus, the said organization had the option to get the most ideal out of the progressions of nature. Their benefits and the edge against their rivals that they had the option to achieve through the said moved toward spared their qualities for administration and benefit well. Valid, condition itself may introduce difficulties to various organizations with respects the starting of the various items that they present to the general public, in any case, viable usage of the said circumstances to help the association could make the procedure of promoting increasingly captured and effective for worldwide publicizing draws near.
Friday, August 7, 2020
Feed Your Fiction Addiction A Hot Spot for YA and NA Enthusiasts
Feed Your Fiction Addiction A Hot Spot for YA and NA Enthusiasts If youre like me, then you have an ever-growing list of books, and when its time to choose your next read, you dont know where to start. Thats where the popular blog Feed Your Fiction Addiction comes in. This book blog provides everything you could ever need to choose your next book in the YA (young adult) or NA (new adult) categories, participate in reading challenges, and even learn about writing your own book reviews.The authorHomeschooling mom of three Nicole Hewitt took her love of fiction and her own talent for writing and turned it into a website offering book reviews on YA and NA, writing and editing services, and much more. Since beginning her blog five years ago, shes won a number of top book blog awards in the blogosphere and is in GoodReads top 1% of reviewers. Shes dedicated to her craft, and her passion for reading and writing shows. Her familiar and friendly writing style invites you in, making you feel like you are chatting with your girlfriends at a book club, or tal king with your sister over coffee.I learned about NA fiction while reading Ms. Hewitts blog. NA stands for New Adult, which was a new category to me! It means the protagonist of the book is between the ages of 18 and 30. This developing genre often focuses on issues important to young people, especially women, including moving out, sex, education, and starting a career. Its considered a crossover category from YA fiction, appealing to the older crowd that is still into YA fiction. Ms. Hewitts blog is part of the growing movement in popularizing these books and this category and is helping to create the community that surrounds this type of book.ReviewsMs. Hewitt has blogged over 700 fiction book reviews with thorough, thought-provoking commentary which helps the reader truly understand not only the plot summary, but also the highs (and sometimes lows) of each book. She lays out each review in an easy-to-read fashion, with the book cover, her rating system, and a plot summary. Then s he explains what she liked, didnt like, and what she was neutral about as she read the book under her signature My Take section. She also includes a button that allows you to add the book to your own GR TBR (thats your GoodReads To-Be-Read list in book blogger lingo! For more on that, check out Ms. Hewitts awesome list decoding book blogger acronyms and slang).Her reviews are easily searchable and you can view her list of reviews by author, title, or rating. She also takes the time to respond to nearly every comment on her blog, answering questions and creating a fun dialogue after each blog entry. Her pure volume of entries is another feature to be applauded. She is truly dedicated to reading and blogging.I love her bite-sized reviews concept, in which she offers several short reviews in one blog post, focusing on similarly-themed books. Theyre a great way to get a quick snapshot of many different books and get some help choosing which YA or NA book to read next.Because of Ms. Hewi tts expertise in teaching her own children, she also offers a spotlight on books for middle grade students (around ages 8 through 12). She had a fully dedicated blog that reviewed middle grade-focused books, but it appears this merged with her main blog sometime in 2017. Therefore, her blog also includes many reviews on books of this genre, which is great because many of the women reading NA fiction have children who are reading the middle grade genre.Design and setupMs. Hewitts logo is adorable and her name is catchy, cute, and appealing to her demographic. In her drop-down menus, all the entries in a category are listed out and easily searchable using the Find function of your browser. She also has a search function on her blog itself, which is helpful. I used it to search for blog entries on a particular topic and I got some terrific relevant entries that I couldnt find myself.Reading and writing challengesOne of the most popular activities in the reading/writing blog community i s participating in challenges. Reading or writing challenges encourage the participants to read a certain number of books or to write a certain number of blogs within a given time frame, for example. On her blog, Ms. Hewitt has collected, categorized, and summarized hundreds of reading and writing challenges, with a quick link to join. Challenges that interest each individual reader are easy to find thanks to her category system, listing challenges under headings like Location-Based Challenges, Blogging Challenges, and Topical Challenges. This list is helpful for readers and bloggers alike, and it seems like everyone loves to participate in these. She also keeps track of her own progress in reading challenges, such as Bookopoly, which is a Monopoly-themed reading challenge. Each square on the Bookopoly board asks the reader to choose a book based on a common theme (e.g., a book with a yellow cover, a book featuring an animal). The goal is to check off each game square throughout the entire calendar year, and it looks like Ms. Hewitt never fails!Blogging communityBy reading Ms. Hewitts blog, its obvious that shes a huge supporter of her blogging community. She keeps a calendar of fellow bloggers birthdays and blogoversaries (their blog anniversaries) and promotes fellow bloggers in many of her entries and through her giveaways. Its clear that shes important to the community of YA and NA bloggers and enjoys being a part of it.Her feminist slant is inspiring and brings this community together. The YA and NA categories are powered mostly by women writers and readers, so it would be hard to not be a little bit feminist. Shes constantly promoting female fiction writers as well as female bloggers, so you can see why young women who read this genre would look up to Ms. Hewitt and her blogging counterparts.She touches on controversial topics that are interesting to her demographic, including celibacy shaming (the opposite of slut shaming), books about the abortion deba te, Banned Books Week (and her unpopular opinion on reading banned books), LGBT books, and her Christian faith. Shes unafraid to voice her opinion on these topics and is interested in stirring up conversation, even if not all of her readers agree. Shes respectful and thoughtful about the point of view of others, which allows her readers to truly open up and become part of the discussion. Its inspiring to see a corner of the internet where these topics can be discussed in a civil manner and where everyone leaves the table as friends. For example, she highlights the discussion of her faith and states that shes never known about a reader or a follower shes lost due to her faith. If you delve into the comments, you will see commenters of all faiths (and nonfaiths) letting her know theyre proud of her for discussing the topic on her blog and that they enjoy reading about her personal beliefs. Not only is she invested in her blogging community, but theyre also invested in her.Fun featured postsAside from book reviews, Ms. Hewitt provides her take on many different book-related topics on her blog. A favorite feature of her readers is Top Ten Tuesday â€" on various Tuesdays throughout the year, she highlights a new topic, listing out her 10 favorites in categories like quick reads, hidden gems, and books shes highly anticipating. This exciting feature gives readers a glance into whats new and next in the fiction world.Ms. Hewitt also features giveaways on her blog. Thanks to her partnership with some publishers, she has special book-related giveaways. Her current Valentines Day promotion is especially adorable, with giveaways of Macmillan Collectors Library Editions of some of their classic love stories like Emma, Jane Eyre, and Wuthering Heights. Many of the monthly giveaways are geared toward other blog writers, requiring entrants to link to their own current blog post in order to win. Yet another way shes a champion of the book blogging community!Ms. Hewitts Lets D iscuss feature touches on many different topics for readers and bloggers alike. She really likes to get the conversation flowing in the comments, responding and replying to the thoughts of everyone. Some of these posts have upwards of 75 or 100 comments! She writes on topics for readers like how to deal with a lapse in your reading habits, as well as topics for bloggers, like how to write a quick blog post.Blogger assistanceAfter reading through Ms. Hewitts blog, its easy to become enamored with her fun and witty writing style. Its also easy to envision yourself doing what she does â€" writing a book blog seems like so much fun! But if youre just getting started, it may be difficult to come up with topics or to decide what books to blog about. Well, Feed Your Fiction Addiction has you covered. Ms. Hewitt has an extensive list of blog post topics, ranging from your favorite hobby outside of book blogging to what book character you would want as a boyfriend. Her creative and interesting topics could make any reader want to start his or her own blog. You can also have your birthday and blogoversary easily added to her calendar â€" a great place to shop your link to the book blogging community since she does seem to have a great amount of traffic to her site.Its clear that Ms. Hewitts blog is a hot spot for those in the YA and NA reading and blogging community, and its not hard to see why. Shes an enthusiastic and voracious reader who enjoys chronicling her journey through books and blogging, sharing her stories with many along the way. Its an inspiring read, so give it a bookmark if youre into YA or NA fiction!
Tuesday, June 23, 2020
2019 Holiday Gift Guide
The Top-Choice Gifts for Every Type of Student With the holiday season right around the corner, now is the time to take a momentary step away from regular round college applications and put the finishing touches on seasonal gift lists! Instead of losing sight of your academic goals entirely, students can take their study game to the next level with gadgets that will set them up for success in college and beyond. From dorm-friendly coffee makers to wireless headphones, there are a bunch of tech presents that cater to students' needs. Keep reading for some of our top gift picks for high school and college students for the holiday season. Amazon Echo DotThe Dot is an immensely popular Amazon device – and with good reason: this versatile gadget is an alarm clock, music player, tool for hands-free calls, and so much more. The newest version has speakers that are 70% louder than previous models and comes in a fabric design that perfectly matches dorm room dà ©cor. Fitbit Versa 2 Health Fitness SmartwatchA healthy lifestyle can help students maintain good study habits and earn top grades. Tech tools like Fitbits keep users accountable by offering real-time stats on workouts, sleep quality, and heart rate. This version is also water resistant and has a battery life that lasts approximately six days. mophie Power Capsule External Battery ChargerThis gadget is a must-have for tech-loving students who find themselves frequently on-the-go. The case charges wireless devices quickly to ensure personal devices remain accessible, even during days spent outside of the dorm. Fire HD 10 TabletTablets can be a great study option for students who don't want to carry their laptops with them everywhere they go. They can also help save space in a dorm room by eliminating the need for a television. A tablet is the perfect size, as it’s small enough to be travel-friendly but still convenient for note-taking. Takeya Cold Brew Iced Coffee MakerA dorm-friendly coffee maker is an essential for caffeine fiends, and this one is perfect for those who prefer the iced variety. An easy coffee maker like this model can help students save money and stick to a budget without missing out on their favorite indulgences. Jackery Portable ChargerMuch like the mophie, this gift is extremely convenient and something virtually all students will use. This model is particularly beneficial for students who often find themselves in a time crunch as it reportedly charges iPhones twice as fast as the original iPhone charger. Tile MateIt happens to even the most responsible college students: between juggling coursework and extracurricular activities, misplacing a set of keys or a student ID is almost inevitable. This handy gadget can help students keep track of all of their necessities and more easily locate them should they slip away. Hamilton Beach Breakfast MakerA balanced breakfast is key to staying focused during 8am lectures and this gadget makes it easy to cook up a satisfying meal in minutes. Instead of buying breakfast sandwiches from cafà ©s, students can prepare their own morning meals from the comfort of their dorm rooms with this space-saving tool. Beats Solo Pro Wireless HeadphonesHeadphones are a must for any college student, and this version cancels out noise to really help students focus during study sessions. With up to 22 hours of battery life, students can use these headphones throughout the day without worrying about the need to re-charge. Whether you’re a health and wellness fiend or a music snob, the gift choices on this list are designed with every type of student in mind. If you’re looking for similarly personalized recommendations for your college search, our team of experts can help point you in the right direction.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Similarities Between Wuthering Heights And The Great Gatsby
Homes and Connections In school, we are taught that many of the facts we have on ancient civilizations come from assumptions based on each civilization’s different archaeological sites--Roman aqueducts tell us about how knowledgeable their engineers were, Egyptian pyramids reveal how wealthy the Pharaohs were, and the Chinese Terracotta Warriors explain how mighty the emperor was. We tend to think, however, this type of analysis is proprietary to historical sites and figures, but this logic also applies to fictional places and people--especially in Wuthering Heights and the Great Gatsby. Within the worlds of each novel, Heathcliff and Gatsby’s dominant personality traits are developed, not through their actions as some believe, but†¦show more content†¦Still, it’s clear that Gatsby doubts his strategy as he follows up the house visit with another exhibition of wealth, this time with shirts made of â€Å"sheer linen and thick silk... with monograms of Indian Blue†(Fitz gerald 92). At first, it would appear that Gatsby’s belief that his wealth can buy him love is ratified, as his different displays of wealth all illicit positive reactions from Daisy including crying because â€Å"[she’s] never seen such beautiful shirts before†and exclamations like â€Å"I adore it!†and â€Å"its beautiful!†(Fitzgerald 92, 93). Eventually, though, we see how their love doesn’t go much deeper than Gatsby’s wealth. From the beginning, Gatsby’s sole mission is to get Daisy through his mansion’s door so that she can fall in love with him. Yet when she finally does make it to his estate, â€Å"she [tumbles] short of his dreams--not through her own fault, but because of the colossal vitality of his illusions†(Fitzgerald 95). Gatsbys sentiments are summed up perfectly when he and Daisy are sitting on the couch together; â€Å"there was no light save... the gleaming floor†all coming from the â€Å"solitary lamp†Gatsby turned on. The solitary lamp barely illuminating the room is like Daisy barely living up to Gatsby’s unreasonable expectations. Daisy is nothing but what Gatsby made her to be: some fantastic person for whom he was willing to throw epicShow MoreRelatedA Comparison of the Ways in Which Fitzgerald and Bronte Present Their Heroes. (2742 Words)196 9 Words  | 8 PagesFitzgerald and Bronte present their heroes. (2742 words) In both Wuthering Heights and The Great Gatsby, the authors have put the central focus for the readers on the romantic heroes of the text. The romantic heroes in the two texts are Gatsby and Heathcliff. These two characters are both very similar and very different and the following is a comparison of how each of them is presented in the novels. One thing which both Gatsby and Heathcliff have in common is that they both have a mysteriousRead MoreEssay Prompts4057 Words  | 17 PagesFaustus Orlando Don Quixote A portrait of the Artist as a Young Man A Gesture Life Rosencrantz and Guildenstern Are Dead Ghosts The Scarlet Letter Great Expectations Sister Carrie The Great Gatsby The Sound and Fury Gulliver’s Travels Sula Heart of Darkness The Sun Also Rises Invisible Man Their Eyes Were Watching God Joe Turner’s Come and Gone The Things They Carried King Lear The Turn of the
Monday, May 18, 2020
An Atomic Description of Silicon The Silicon Molecule
Crystalline silicon was the semiconductor material used in the earliest successful PV devices and continues to be the most widely used PV material today. While other PV materials and designs exploit the PV effect in slightly different ways, understanding how the effect works in crystalline silicon gives us a basic understanding of how it works in all devices. Understanding the Role of Atoms All matter is composed of atoms, which are, in turn, composed of positively charged protons, negatively charged electrons and neutral neutrons. The protons and neutrons, which are approximately equal in size, make up the close-packed central nucleus of the atom. This is where almost all the mass of the atom is located. Meanwhile, the much lighter electrons orbit the nucleus at very high velocities. Although the atom is built from oppositely charged particles, its overall charge is neutral because it contains an equal number of positive protons and negative electrons. An Atomic Description of Silicon The four electrons that orbit the nucleus in the outermost or valence energy level are given to, accepted from or shared with other atoms. The electrons orbit the nucleus at different distances and this is determined by their energy level. For example, an electron with less energy would orbit closer to the nucleus, whereas one of greater energy orbits further away. It is the electrons that are furthest from the nucleus that interact with those of neighboring atoms to determine the way solid structures are formed. The Silicon Crystal and Conversion of Solar Energy to Electricity Although the silicon atom has 14 electrons, their natural orbital arrangement allows only the outer four of these to be given to, accepted from, or shared with other atoms. These outer four electrons are called valence electrons and they play an immensely important role in producing the photovoltaic effect. So what is the photovoltaic effect or PV? The photovoltaic effect is the basic physical process through which a photovoltaic cell converts energy from the sun into usable electricity. Sunlight itself is composed of photons or particles of solar energy. And these photons contain various amounts of energy that correspond to the different wavelengths of the solar spectrum. It’s when silicon is in its crystalline form that conversion of solar energy into electricity can take place. Large numbers of silicon atoms can bond together to form a crystal through their valence electrons. In a crystalline solid, each silicon atom normally shares one of its four valence electrons in a covalent bond with each of four neighboring silicon atoms. The solid then consists of basic units of five silicon atoms: the original atom plus the four other atoms with which it shares its valence electrons. In the basic unit of a crystalline silicon solid, a silicon atom shares each of its four valence electrons with each of four neighboring atoms. The solid silicon crystal is composed of a regular series of units of five silicon atoms. This regular and fixed arrangement of silicon atoms is known as the crystal lattice.
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Electronic Medical Records In Myanmar - 1747 Words
Introduction Background of the Study Poor health information system has been a major challenge in healthcare delivery in many developing countries due to limited financial resources. Health information technology provides to collect, organize and present medical information in a system that will make it useful to all healthcare professionals (Robert E Hoyt, 2014). Electronic medical records (EMR) are a vital and basic part of the implementation of information technology in the healthcare industry. EMR systems have gained wide traction in the recent years in many countries worldwide as a good solution for them to overcome most of their problems in healthcare delivery services. While most hospitals and clinics in developed countries have†¦show more content†¦Among many potential advantages that EMR system bring, most tangible benefit is that changing to EMR system can help in generating unique patient identification and maintaining all information of a specific patient within a record under one unique ID (Joaquin A. Blaya, 2010). One of the biggest issues that used to happen in many developing hospitals is that patients receive a new serial number and new record each time they attend the hospital. The result of multiple encounters with different healthcare providers may lead to fragmentation of the patient’s record. Having a unique ID will prevent disintegration of medical record of each patient so that medical records can become more complete and reliable (Abdulai, 2009). From operating EMR system, unnecessary overloaded workforce of paper chart reviews can be reduced, and retrieving patient data, lab or x-ray results can be much easier (Robert E Hoyt, 2014) (Dr. Jitendranath Mungara, 2017). Another less noticeable benefit of EMR in long term use is its potential ability to reduce healthcare costs and improve quality of healthcare by reducing duplication of investigations and adverse drug events (Nolwazi Candice Sikhondze, 2016). EMR system thus facilitates productivity and efficien cy through increased coordination ofShow MoreRelatedAnalytical Report on Business Organization4233 Words  | 17 Pages  1        To:   Ms. Phone Thit Chairman Diamond Stars Group of companies  From:  CEO Myanmar Imperial Clinic (MIC)  Date:  Subject:                  04th April, 2013 Analytical Report on Business Organization   2 Executive Summary In early 2009, Myanmar Imperial Clinic was set up by Myanmar Medics Co., Ltd. Because of its extensive range of medical services and accurate diagnostic tests by international recognized specialists and outstanding clinical staffRead MoreU.s. Export Competitiveness : United States Essay2050 Words  | 9 Pagesexported machines, electronics, vehicles, oils, medical equipment and organic chemicals to other Asian and African countries thus making America a leading exporter for several decades. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Breast Cancer A Genetic Disorder - 1876 Words
INTRODUCTION Breast cancer is a genetic disorder occurs in breast cells because of irregularities in cell growth and division. It mostly occurs due to modifications of regulatory genes known as oncogene and tumor suppressor genes [1].Around 180,000 cases of breast cancer are diagnosed in United States and 40,000 people die each year [2]. Approximately 50% of hereditary breast cancer cases reported are related to error in repair mechanisms due to loss of BRCA1 AND BRCA2 genes. It is important to scrutinize incidence rate as it can help estimate lifetime and age-conditional risks. Established factors that increase risk of breast cancer are; age, familial history, previous radiation therapy and exposure to estrogen. STAGES OF BREAST CANCER DESCRIPTION TREATMENT FOR EACH STAGE GRADING OF BREAST CANCER DESCRIPTION STAGE 0 Cancer cell is benign and not invasive, the irregular cell is contained in ducts. It can be easily diagnosed through mammography screening, it can be treated with surgery and radiation therapy GRADE 1 cancer cells looks normal under microscope and is well differentiated STAGE 1 Cancer cells become invasive and very small tumor grows nearby or in lymph node When diagnosed early it can be treated with radiation therapy, surgery, HRT STAGE 2 Cancer cells begin to metastasized and spread to nearby lymph node or large cancer it can be treated with surgery, anti-estrogen and chemotherapyShow MoreRelatedEssay on Breast Cancer847 Words  | 4 PagesBreast Cancer Chromosome 17 and BRCA1 Among the most common diseases affecting the female population, breast cancer develops in one of every eight American women. This means that almost 200,000 women suffer from the disease each year. Doctors would advise women to take necessary precautions, such as routine surveillance, in order to ensure a life without obtaining this disease prior to understanding any genetic linkage of breast cancer. Although many external factors contribute to breastRead MoreGenetic Markers : A Genetic Marker1641 Words  | 7 Pagesunattainable without genetic markers. In everyone there are certain markers that can allow a geneticist to determine a person’s medical future, certain medicines work with some genetic markers and not with others. Many genes are linked to certain diseases and allow a geneticist to possibly prevent diseases. A genetic marker is a DNA sequence with a known specific location on the chromosome, they can be a great indicator for genetic disorders and any other heredit ary diseases. Genetic markers are alsoRead MoreLifelong Health Benefits of Mandatory Genetic Screenings1497 Words  | 6 Pagesand introduction to the field of medicine more than a century ago, genetic screenings have become incorporated in many fields of healthcare, including reproductive health and cancer prevention. Genetic screening is a method of identifying genetic disorders through the study of an individual’s DNA. They can be used to determine predisposition for various disorders such as Alzheimer’s, breast cancer, and sickle cell anemia. Genetic screenings inform individuals about their state of health and can helpRead MoreCauses And Treatments Of Breast Cancer1587 Words  | 7 PagesWHAT IS CANCER? Cancer can be said to be a generic term for a large collection of diseases that can have an effect on any part of the body, it can be sometimes called malignant tumors and neoplasms. In other words, cancer can be defined as the rapid creation of abnormal cells that grow beyond their normal boundaries, which are capable of invading adjoining parts of the body and spread through to the organs. However, this process is referred to as metastasis, which is the major cause of death fromRead MoreCell Signaling Essay1583 Words  | 7 Pageshuman disease breast cancer and sickle cell anemia have been the most prevalent. The importance of these topics in reference to breast cancer and sickle cell anemia are the background information on these diseases, the general population affected, what gene/proteins are involved in these diseases, the symptoms of the diseases, the experimental research, and the key advances/ problems relaying to treatment for the diseases. Understanding the background information and how much breast cancer affects peopleRead MoreWhat Is Biotechnology And Its Ramification To Breast Cancer1101 Words  | 5 PagesBiotechnology and its Ramification to Breast Cancer According to the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2014; 236,968 women and 2,141 men in the United States were diagnosed with breast cancer. And 41,211 women and 465 men in the United States died from breast cancer (U.S. Cancer Statistics Working Group, 2017). That volume of death could have drastically been decreased if the clinicians, physicians, and oncologists utilized the Mammaprint. To understand the way Mammaprint makesRead MoreTaking a Look at Breast Cancer1758 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Breast cancer is the most common cause of cancer-related death among females in the world. It is known for â€Å"have both a genetic and non-genetic etiology†(Milne et al., 2010). It involves a combination of several factors- such as â€Å"genetic, environmental and behavioral risk factors†- that are unique to each individual (Nickels et al., 2013). This type of cancer is represented by a malignant tumor manifested in breast cells such as the line duct and line lobules cells, just to name a fewRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer946 Words  | 4 PagesSkylar Steinman Period 6 Ms. Jobsz 12 February , 2016 Breast Cancer It is commonly known that Breast Cancer is one of the most insidious diseases that mankind has had to deal with. With the discovery of the BRCA1( BReast Cancer gene one) and BRCA2 (BReast Cancer gene two) genes, breast cancer can be detected with a great amount of certainty on a genetic level in some women and men. 40,000 women and men die of breast cancer each year. Knowing this it is very important to try to detect the mutationRead MoreBreast Cancer : Cancer And Cancer Essay1433 Words  | 6 PagesBreast cancer is a carcinoma that develops due to malignant cells in the breast tissue. Cancerous cells are more likely to produce in the milk-producing ducts and the glands, ductal carcinoma, but in rare cases, breast cancer can develop in the stromal, fatty, tissues or surrounding lymph nodes, especially in the underarm (Breast Cancer). For women, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer and the 2nd leading cause of cancer death – behind skin cancer. While treatme nt or surgeries canRead MoreEssay on Benefits of Human Cloning614 Words  | 3 Pageshaving children. Human cloning could make it possible for many more infertile couples to have children than ever before possible. †¢ Plastic, reconstructive and cosmetic surgery. Because of human cloning and its technology the days of silicone breast implants and other cosmetic procedures that may cause immune disease should soon be over. With the new technology, instead of using materials foreign to the body for such procedures, doctors will be able to manufacture bone, fat, connective tissue
A Book Report on Irene Hunt’s Free Essays
Irene Hunt’s No Promises in the Wind (1975) is a story about the plight of fifteen-year-old Josh and his brother Joey, set in the desperate state of the U.S. during the Great Depression of the ‘30s. We will write a custom essay sample on A Book Report on Irene Hunt’s or any similar topic only for you Order Now The two boys hailed from Chicago, born from a middle class family. The Stock market crashed signaling the start of the Depression (Great Depression, 2005). This has been â€Å"particularly severe in Chicago because of the city’s reliance on manufacturing, the hardest hit sector nationally†(Deutsch, 2005). More than half of the workforce lost their jobs (Deutsch, 2005), including their father, Stephan. When this happened their father changed from someone who is kindhearted into a bitter, angry man. Those times were ridden with problems and he takes his anger out on his oldest son Josh. But rather, it could be supposed that he is angrier with himself for being helpless in their situation, what with the pressures of providing for his family. Desperate times necessitate that kids those days mature early, and even though Josh is a mere boy, he leaves his family with his best friend Howie with dreams of being musicians, his little brother Joey tagging along. The brothers experience a devastating blow when Howie got run over by a train. When they continued to venture forth, they realize how hard to make it out in the real world. They were cold and hungry, at times even resorting to begging for food. They meet a lot of interesting and endearing people along the way and saw how people from different parts of the country, such as Louisiana and Nebraska, were being affected by the Depression. Such people like Lonnie, a generous trucker who tries to help them whenever he can despite tough times, and Emily, a beautiful and attractive a circus clown. Hunt paints a harrowing portrait of that period and how desperate times change people, emotionally and psychologically. She shows that when the going gets tough, man’s instincts for survival take over, even at the sake of common goodness and humanity. On the other side of the coin, it is also a testament that kindness still endures. The story is largely character driven, and the author makes good use of her skill in portraying emotions, especially how the Depression changed people. With deft descriptions and stirring language, she conjures a moving image of a desperate America, and what people do in order to survive. Some parts could seem too unrealistic, such as Josh’s illogical ambitions and the brothers’ seemingly continuous luck, but in the end it is successful in providing us a glimpse of the general populace’s real state of living during that period. References Deutsch, T. (2005). Great Depression. In The Electronic Encyclopedia of Chicago. Retrieved November 22, 2005, from Great Depression. (2005). In Wikipedia. Retrieved November 23, 2005, from Hunt, I. (1975). No Promises in the Wind. Chicago: Follet Publishing.  How to cite A Book Report on Irene Hunt’s, Papers
Graffiti Is Art free essay sample
The creativity of graffiti art evolved along with the human race. Romans, Greeks, Mayans, and Vikings have created historic forms of graffiti that have help gain an understanding of their past culture and languages. The graffiti we view in our streets nowadays is called modern graffiti. This graffiti era originated with the mix of hip-hop culture and the graffiti art that is found in New York City subways. Graffiti artist have used this mixture on canvases, murals, drawings, and paintings. Many people consider graffiti art as vandalism, yet graffiti murals consist of the same qualities of famous paintings exhibited museums. Graffiti murals are art for several reasons. Graffiti art murals can bring beauty to areas that are depressing. There are many suburban areas in Los Angeles that are in need of appealing images, such as murals. A website that has studied and described why graffiti murals are considered art is GRAFFITI. We will write a custom essay sample on Graffiti Is Art or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page ORG/FAQ/STOWERS. HTML. In the article â€Å"Graffiti Art: An Essay Concerning The Recognition of Some Forms of Graffiti As Art,†George C. Stowers states, â€Å"Graffiti art [†¦] beautifies the community by appearing on areas that normally would be eyesores, such as a wall in a vacant lot or an abandoned building†lt;http://www. raffiti. org/faq/stowers. htmlgt;. In this quote, we read that graffiti art is able to bring beauty to a rather bleak environment. Once a graffiti mural is completed on an abandoned building, the building itself will not be recognized as just another wall of concrete or bricks; instead, this abandoned building will project a mural that will attract people. A graffiti mural not only beautifies the surface where it is created but also its surroundings, such as the community. A community will get to enjoy a mural rather than a depressing wall of concrete. Murals tend to be large images that easily draw attention. There are many concrete walls in communities that are hardly looked at. Why doesn’t the concrete wall draw attention? There is nothing to observe except the common gray color of concrete. However, a mural places importance to a concrete wall. Murals can be inspirational images to some and to others it will remain as a valuable work of art. Why not a beautiful mural on a wall instead of a depressing concrete wall? Graffiti art murals can bring beauty to areas that are depressing.
Friday, May 1, 2020
Community Management and Organizations Hierarchical leadership
Questions: 1. Why is it important that leaders understand cultural diversity in modern day organisations?2. How can leaders influence and support cultural diversity in the workplace? Answers: 1. Cultural diversity of Australia is considered as the national strength of the country. There are people from various countries resides in Australia. In modern business world, employees are the assets of the organization. The multinational organizations of Australia recruit candidates not only from Australia but also from other parts of the world. Apart from that, the Australians also consist of people of different aboriginals. People usually belong to Anglo Celtic background. Leaders of different organizations has identified that leadership of different organizations at different levels include Anglo cultural styles (Hoch Kozlowski, 2014). For maintaining equality in the country and organizations there are anti-discrimination act that helps the organizations in maintaining equality among various employees of the organization. Inclusive leadership is the step that the leaders can practice in multinational organizations. Performance of the various departments of organizations depen ds on the performance of the employees associated with the particular task or particular department. Leaders must understand cultural diversities in the organizations to drive their team into excellence (Liden, 2012). Many research have illustrated the fact that multicultural teams are usually more productive than that of teams of monoculture. However, many authors have contradicted about the productivity of multicultural teams among various organizations. It is the responsibility of the leader that drives the excellence as well as the performance of the employees of the organization. The article says that a diverse workforce helps organizations in making better decisions in many cases. McKinsey conducted an analysis that illustrates a positive relationship between team leaders and the team members of multicultural teams. Approximately 366 companies from various countries from Canada, United Kingdom, United States and Latin America, are found perform well with an increase of 35% in terms of financial returns. The present representation in terms of cultural diversity in various aspects of leadership is responsible for reflecting few impediments in terms of equal opportunity. Existence of these impediments represents the lack of talents within the organization. In many cases, organizations will not promote their best talents due to lack of leadership practices within the organizational level (VanderPal Ko, 2014). If cultural diversity is not maintained properly then in many cases innovation and opportunities for growth can be squandered. A team of diverse cultural background in organizations help in providing many unique ideas regarding a certain problem that are discussed among the middle level management. Leaders need to understand the need of diversity management in terms of development of team performance as well as organizational development. A proper understanding of the group cohesiveness along with group productivity and talent management is positively correlated with the cultural diversity in the teams as well as in organizations. There is a relationship between senior leadership, data and accountability and culture in the framework of cultural management. Improved performance of the organization is the result of maintaining cross-cultural communication between the multicultural teams in a way so that new ideas can be grasped from them. As it is mentioned earlier that teams of diverse culture leads to higher financial return (Ng Sears, 2012). The leaders have to utilize the talents present within the team members effectively. Apart from that, the concept of human capital is also related with the diversity in organizational culture. Leaders are considered as the pathfinder of the organizations. Human capital is the intangible assets of a company that are considered as core competencies and competitive advantage in terms of employee development. It is the responsibility of the leaders to utilize the human capital in an effective w ay. There are many factors that are mentioned above must be followed by leaders in terms of following cultural diversity among the organizations (Kim Van Dyne, 2012). 2. Leaders of multinational organizations must practice inclusion and diversity within the company. Whenever a company opts for inclusion in the organizational level then the employees of diverse cultural background feel a sense of belongingness and sense of uniqueness in their team and organization as a whole. It means that the workers are being recognized from their senior managers and are allowed to take part in decision-making process of the organization. Recognitions are based on their talents on the respected field. They are considered as insiders in the teams and are associated with sharing common goals and objectives within the team. This concept is known as inclusive leadership. The target of inclusive leadership is to include the practice of inclusion in the organization as well as in the teams. The leaders in the organization that are included in the inclusive leadership of the organization emphasize some factors that are mentioned in the article. The factors of courage, e mpowerment, humility and accountability are the factors that are responsible for the psychological safety of the culturally diversified employees. Inclusive leadership is characterized by helping individuals by the leaders (Johansson Cherro, 2013). Apart from that, the leaders can follow many leadership styles in the company according to the nature of the employees and the organization. The different types of leadership are transformational leadership, situational leadership, participative leadership, etc. that can be practiced in order to maintaining diversity and inclusion in companies among the employees. Participative leadership is similar to that of the inclusive leadership (Ashikali Groeneveld, 2015). Multinational organizations have to work with teams that are present at different subsidiaries of the parent organizations. Effective communication has to be maintained so that the flow of communication between the team members can be maintained. It will result in the transfer of knowledge between the members. A concrete solution can be formulated as the thinking procedures of the diverse background employees are different from one culture to another culture. The diverse range of employees will help in improved financial re turns and increased efficiency of the team. Diversity can be maintained both in terms of culture and in terms of gender (Lawrence, 2015). Both gender equality and cultural equality leads in the enriched organizational culture of the companies across Australia. The article provides a technique of skin in the game technique in maintaining cultural diversity among the teams of the companies. It includes equality of both gender and culture. Every employees should pay equal opportunity to male and female workers. Apart from that, training and developmental program are developed by the multinational organizations that focus on the problems faced by the employees as well as strategic management of the organization. Developmental programs are formed by the various aspects so that productivity of the team as well as individual performance of the employees. The nature of the program must be different in terms of the problem faced by every team in the organization (Moran et al., 2014). Global leaders follow situational leadership style that is formed according the characteristics and behaviour of the team members. All the methods and approach of cross-cultural communication and cultural diversity has a particular goal towards the company. They are focused for the career development of the employees as well as the different other facilities provided to them. Finally, the organizational performance can be raised including improved financial returns and return on investment (Van Knippenberg et al., 20 13). References Ashikali, T., Groeneveld, S. (2015). Diversity Management in Public Organizations and Its Effect on Employees Affective Commitment The Role of Transformational Leadership and the Inclusiveness of the Organizational Culture.Review of Public Personnel Administration,35(2), 146-168. Hoch, J. E., Kozlowski, S. W. (2014). Leading virtual teams: Hierarchical leadership, structural supports, and shared team leadership.Journal of applied psychology,99(3), 390. Johansson, P., Cherro, S. (2013). How do you manage the pressure?: How time, type, complexity and cultural diversity affects the relationship between leadership styles and project success. Kim, Y. J., Van Dyne, L. (2012). Cultural intelligence and international leadership potential: The importance of contact for members of the majority.Applied psychology,61(2), 272-294. Lawrence, T. (2015). Global leadership communication: A strategic proposal.Creighton Journal of Interdisciplinary Leadership,1(1), 51-59. Liden, R. C. (2012). Leadership research in Asia: A brief assessment and suggestions for the future.Asia Pacific Journal of Management,29(2), 205-212. Moran, R. T., Abramson, N. R., Moran, S. V. (2014).Managing cultural differences. Routledge. Ng, E. S., Sears, G. J. (2012). CEO leadership styles and the implementation of organizational diversity practices: Moderating effects of social values and age.Journal of Business Ethics,105(1), 41-52. Van Knippenberg, D., van Ginkel, W. P., Homan, A. C. (2013). Diversity mindsets and the performance of diverse teams.Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,121(2), 183-193. VanderPal, G., Ko, V. S. C. (2014). An Overview of Global Leadership: Ethics, Values, Cultural Diversity and Conflicts.Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics,11(3), 166.
Sunday, March 22, 2020
When The Legends Die Essay Thesis Example For Students
When The Legends Die Essay Thesis When The Legends DieThis is the story of the life an Ute family, and in particular the way of their people.The story starts off with the father of the family, George Black Bull running for his life from the sheriff and Blue Elk, one of the old Ute men.He had shot a man named Frank No Deer, he had killed him for stealing his money three times that he owed to a sawmill in Pagosa where he had worked with many other of his people, that he had saved for a long period of time.So George, his wife Bessie and son decided to live in the mountains, where they would live the old way, singing songs for different occasions, fishing and hunting with arrow instead of guns, and making use of the wilderness and all of its resources.They built a cabin to live in,in a location where George would not be found and put in jail for his crime, they caught their meals, sewed their clothes and lived life and taught their son the way it had been lived by many generations of their people in the past, until one d a!y George was crushed by an avalanche while hunting in a valley.Bessie new now that their son had become the man of the family, and would be responsible for many of the tasks that needed to be done in order to survive, it was also time for him to pick a name, he chose the name Bears Brother.Every once and a while they went to the village to trade for items that they could not make, but after a short period of time Bessie became very ill and died.Bears Brother had learned the ways and was now capable of taking care of himself, he continued to live life the old way.One day he journeyed to town to trade items, he told what had happened to his parents and that he was living alone with a bear, but Blue Elk thought that he should not be living this way and that he should be in school and living the way of the present.Blue Elk followed Bears Brother to his cabin and they talked for many hours, Bears Brother re-taught Blue Elk the old ways and talked with Bears Brother f!or many hours, and finally convinced him to come to town with him and remind his people of these old ways. We will write a custom essay on When The Legends Die Thesis specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now I personally like the setting of the wilderness in this book.I enjoy reading and learning the ways that native people lived their lives in the wilderness even if it is fiction and not fact.The setting is very detailed, believable and has enough but not too much description.She cried out once in horror, and the boy heard and came and stood beside her, watching, as the snow plume floated all the way down the slope and the thunder of the slide echoed into the silence, is a phrase that I found particularly enjoyable and descriptive. I like the way that the author has not introduced too many characters at once and has limited the number of characters that are of relevance during certain periods of the book.I find it is very annoying when a book has many important characters all at one point or section of the book,instead Hal Borland introduces characters at various stages of the book, and now that Bears Brothers parents have died Im sure a few more characters will be introduced.I like Blue Elks character because hes mysterious and seems to show up every once and a while in the book, he seems to be everyones friend.For example, when Bears Brothers bear is attacking dogs in the village, he shows up for no apparent reason. .ubd2badc213b995fdb56bc4b0b27412f0 , .ubd2badc213b995fdb56bc4b0b27412f0 .postImageUrl , .ubd2badc213b995fdb56bc4b0b27412f0 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ubd2badc213b995fdb56bc4b0b27412f0 , .ubd2badc213b995fdb56bc4b0b27412f0:hover , .ubd2badc213b995fdb56bc4b0b27412f0:visited , .ubd2badc213b995fdb56bc4b0b27412f0:active { border:0!important; } .ubd2badc213b995fdb56bc4b0b27412f0 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ubd2badc213b995fdb56bc4b0b27412f0 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ubd2badc213b995fdb56bc4b0b27412f0:active , .ubd2badc213b995fdb56bc4b0b27412f0:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ubd2badc213b995fdb56bc4b0b27412f0 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ubd2badc213b995fdb56bc4b0b27412f0 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ubd2badc213b995fdb56bc4b0b27412f0 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ubd2badc213b995fdb56bc4b0b27412f0 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ubd2badc213b995fdb56bc4b0b27412f0:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ubd2badc213b995fdb56bc4b0b27412f0 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ubd2badc213b995fdb56bc4b0b27412f0 .ubd2badc213b995fdb56bc4b0b27412f0-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ubd2badc213b995fdb56bc4b0b27412f0:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Culture Awareness EssayTheres not too much suspense in this book, but I think its mainly because theres no need for suspense in this style of book.A not so obvious example of foreshadowing would be right after George fights Frank No Deer for stealing his money.After he has fought he checks his pocket to see if his money is still there, and of course its gone.The author wouldnt have written him checking his pocket in the first place,if the money wasnt going to have been stolen. I think that this book sort of relates to what has happened at Ipperwash and the problems there. Even though it does not really have a direct link, just because its involving problems with native people and their culture, it is somewhat similar.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
MENTAL HEALTH CHILDREN You come home from a long day at work and the only thing that you look forward to is seeing that big smile and little arms thrown around you. However when you get home they seem reserved as if something is on there mind that may be bothering them. Yet you brush it aside thinking that maybe its just a â€Å"Phase†or just a kid being a kid but thats where we go wrong we assume everything is ok and never take action. What you may be experiencing are the early signs of your child dealing with mental illness. In this we are going to explain what mental illness is in children , symptoms, treatment and what parents can do in the case of their child being diagnosed with it. Now the talk of mental illnesses is very new in which some people still believe that it made up and all in there head . Therefore they yet to fully grasp the understanding of mental health is not only in adults but in children as well. The full definition of mental health coming from Mental Health . gov says â€Å"Mental health includes our emotional, psychological, and social well-being. †(Mental ). Just as we take care of our bodies physically by going to the doctors, dentist and optometrist we often overlook the most important one and thats your mental health. As in adults they are able to communicate what they are feeling and have self realization that something may not be all right. Furthermore, thats not the case with children they dont fully understand what is going on and may have a difficult time trying to explain how they may feel. You cant blame the parents or the children because we simply dont have a better understanding of mental health, especi ally in our youth. So how do we go about figuring out how to better help our children and even ourselves in identifying common traits and symptoms that could lead to catching it early on? Well not all mental illnesses are the same and range in a variety of different forms from ADHD, depression, Bipolar disorder and so on. However detecting the common symptoms early we can help to raise any red flags in which can take your child to a specialist. Coming from Mayo clinic it states â€Å"Mood changes, intense feelings,behavior changes, difficulty concentrating and physical symptoms†(mayo clinic). These are the most common symptoms found and should be taken seriously rather than brush it away since most of these dont have any physical symptoms. Besides pointing out what has been already stated another way to point out anyareas of concern is to talk to them although they may not be able to fully put together what they are feeling it helps to create an open environment in the case your child did come to you with any concerns they wont feel embarrassed to express what they feel. This is typically in boys since the big stigma is, is that they are not supposed to share their feelings and this could lead to them having repressing feelings and will be harder for them to open up or understand that this is a serious issue. Do not lose hope because now in modern medicine we are able to start to put together treatments in order to help treat those who are diagnosed with mental illnesses. Depending on how severe the issue is different forms of treatment include prescription medication, therapy, and even support groups. One of the most common would be the medication the doctor gives once they have diagnosed your child with the specified conditions. Unfortunately there is no one pill that can help to fix all problems but the medication is broken into groups of stimulants and depressants. For example, in one article it says â€Å" Prozac and sertraline are classified as depressants and Ritalin,adderall are classified as stimulants†(mednet). The anti- depressants help children with depression and various forms of anxiety by helping to balance out there serotonin levels in the brain. As for the stimulants they typically help with children who have ADHD by treating it with ritalin you would assume that it would make it worse but it has the opposite effect on people with ADHD. Another form of treatment would be to take your child to therapy and also a psychologist to help them understand whats going on. A specialized personnel like this can offer different ways of going about having a condition and offers the child a confidential person to talk to. Although medication and therapy are great forms of treatment they are pretty pricey for those that are low on income. So an alternative form of therapy is the practice of meditation lindsay cates article getting kids help in time says â€Å"Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy is a proven way to curb sad thoughts. Apps like Headspace and Happify walk teens through relaxation exercises and breathing techniques, or can target specific things like reducing worry and building relationships.†(getting kids help in time). Not only will this cut costs on expensive treatments but as a parent you and your child can both benefit from it and also offers a great opportunity to bond. As a recurring statement that shows thought this is the involvement of the parents and what you could do to help at least improve the situation for your child and yourself. Your involvement in your childs life whether it is at school or in the household has a very important role in your childs mental state. An example of this comes from a study that was in rhode island and the result showed â€Å"Among Rhode Island children, nearly 1 (19.0%) in 5 had mental health problems, 1 (15.6%) in 6 lived with a highly stressed parent, and one third (32.7%) had parents with low involvement†.(Childrens Mental Health and Family Functioning in Rhode Island.) Just by implementing a more positive environment in the household paired along with the involvement in the childs life can truly impact them in a positive way. The second form of parental involvement would be to get involved in your childs schooling. They spend a majority of the time in school with their teacher and fellow peers that can also affect their mental health as well. Neil humphery says in his article â€Å"School is a primary developmental context after the family (Bronfenbrenner, 2005), in which socialisation of emotions, behaviour and relationships occurs; thus, they are clearly more than, ‘merely convenient sites for prevention and intervention’ (O’Toole, 2017, p.455)†(Are the Kids Alright?). This is where your child will learn and a place to develop who they are simply by building relationships with their teachers can help give you an insight of how they are behaving at school. In conclusion we looked at the common red flags symptoms to look out for , treatment and the steps you can take as a parent to help aid in your childs mental health. Just because they may appear to be okay at face surface we all face internal struggles and the way we take action as parents can help in the process for your child.  Works cited Cates, Lindsay. â€Å"Getting Kids Help in Time.†Ebscohost, 11 Sept. 2018. Dryden-Edwards, Roxanne. â€Å"Mental Illness in Children: Signs, Types, Causes.†MedicineNet, Humphery, Neil. â€Å"Are the Kids Alright? Examining the Intersection between Education and Mental Health.†Vol. 42, no. 1, 2018, pp. 4–16. Ebscohost. Hyun, et al, â€Å"Childrens Mental Health and Family Functioning in Rhode Island.†Pediatrics, American Academy of Pediatrics, 1 Feb. 2007, â€Å"What Is Mental Health?†What Is Mental Health? |, â€Å"Worried about Changes in Your Childs Mood or Behavior?†Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 1 Mar. 2018, Â
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
Globel health presentation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Globel health presentation - Essay Example In 1978, the Alma-Ata declaration developed a global policy for health, which was to be realized by the year 2000. In this global policy, a universal primary health care system based on acceptable and practical methods was adopted. This was to involve the people and be affordable in different countries. This was adopted by most countries, except some capitalistic countries. In developing countries, this was faced with a number of obstacles, including political instability, poor economy, and emerging diseases. WHO is a major player in implementing the Alma Ata declaration. The development of the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) helped in propagation of global policy. Today, different studies show that a health system comprising primary care is likely to deliver better health care. However, it is impossible for one heath policy to apply to the whole world. This is because of the difficulty in formulating uniform health interventions, which target a great number of people and different key groups with varying risk factors. These also live in different environments. Maternal and child health are critical in the global policy. Cost-effective interventions were identified, but the evidence on how these could reach the vulnerable groups was not established. Generally, the Alma Ata declaration is an unfinished business. However, it has been influential in responding to dynamic health issues across the globe, and so is a potential for health developments. The World Health Organization has a global policy of improving the quality of health, developing healthy lifestyles for all people, alleviating health risks, and being responsive to the determinants of health involved. The WHO public policies of health are age-and gender-sensitive, which will facilitate the empowerment of communities, self-care, and health protection, while cooperating with its different partners. On biological weapons, the
Monday, February 3, 2020
Quality management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Quality management - Essay Example The customer has got an opportunity to choose from the great number of providers and to dictate own requirements to the quality of a product he/she has been ready to buy. If before customers have been satisfied just with the conformation of quality of products and services, now they would like to get the conformation that production of the things/services they pay for is organized in the way, which indeed ensure the pronounced quality. The quality has become the one of the most popular slogans at the end of twentieth – the beginning of the twenty first century. The quality of products and services. The quality of technologies and business processes related to providing of products and services. The quality, which really exists and what is even more important can be proved as it properly documented. Constant improvement of production quality is one of determinant conditions of raise of its competitiveness on the market and growth of production efficiency. Not without reason in countries with developed industry majority of firms and companies use different kinds of systems of quality management. Let us consider four stages of evolution of production quality approaches. First of them is a stage of rejection (till 20th years of the last century). According to this approach in order to provide a consumer products congruent to accepted standards, special attention should be paid to elimination of rejects. Wide spread of this concept has led to unreasonable growth of supervising personnel. Up to 40 and more percent of strength of workers involved in manufacture, that in its turn has caused irrational increase of expenses for quality management and, hence, has lowered efficiency of production. As a result in twenties the attention of managers has moved from rejection of production in the process of its yield to quality control in the process of manufacture. The most significant role of this stage was played by Mr.
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Relationship between Architecture and Fashion
Relationship between Architecture and Fashion The body can be seen and thought of as a machine, a vehicle, as well as a building. Therefore it could be stated that dressing of an individual provides a definition of personal space as do architectural structures though they are bigger in scale. Fashion and architecture have many connections: they both aim to make shelter for the human being and reflect our taste. In this concept, it is widely accepted that fashion and architecture relation started with the earliest men who used the same material for their clothing and for housing/shelter. This relationship has lead closer connections between the two disciplines, such as, both fields have commonalities in their design process which makes them share the same boundaries: Both architects and fashion designers aim to create perfect, comfortable and beautiful forms for the human body. On the other hand, Architecture and Fashion differ in many ways, such as, Fashion is inevitable to die in shorter time than architecture, it is related to smaller scale, and most importantly, Fashion is more about marketing and consumption while Architecture is monumental and relates to eternity. These differences altogether create a thread of commodification and commercialisation for Architecture. Architecture acts as a shaper of space, i.e., it acts as a symbolic metaphor and an agent of the societys cultural values. Since the outer space reflects our inner spaces, this commodification and commercialisation might lead Architecture to lose its mission in the social life. Therefore this work suggests that Architecture should get engaged in human spaces, traditions and cultural values of the society, sustainability, eternity, and wholeness of the life, rather than temporality of fashion. This Masters Dissertation aims to explore the relationship between Architecture and Fashion from conceptual, imagery, materiality and global perspectives. This study proposes that in todays highly globalised world, it is almost impossible to practice architecture separate from fashion since both arts are responsive to the individuals and the societies culture and environment. In a conceptual sense, both Architecture and Fashion address psychological perceptions, and spatial structures. From the imagery visual view of point, both arts reflect the taste of the individuals who occupy those spaces, and from the materiality context, Architecture and Fashion have many in common, such as, use of fabrics and materials, use of technology, and from the global point of view, both arts and artists in these fields have an opportunity to interact closely with each other in especially socially responsive, more sustainable, and economical design. The work sets out to explore the role of Fashion in Architectural design and visa verse from exploratory and interpretive perspectives, presenting preliminary findings from the literature survey, visual materials, manifestos of the designers, and personal observations and interpretations. This study differs from the previous studies in the sense that although much of the literature finds out that the relation between Fashion and Architecture is almost a must and inevitable occurrence, and they propose closer relationships, this study proposes that this fact creates a risk for Architecture to depart from conceptualisation and to move towards commercialism and commodification. In this way, architecture becomes a consumer production, rather than the interpretation of the space. This thesis is further developed to design our Fashionable Hut. Architecturally, we aim to represent the timeless architecture tailored according to the timeliness of the contemporary era. Introduction The close relationship between Architecture and Fashion (hereafter AF) is often referred to the use of the same material for covering of his body and for building shelter of the earliest man. The recent exhibition on this relationship Skin + Bones (24 April 10 August 2008) has also explored several parallel practices between these two disciplines from 1980s to onwards. These practices included digital design process, use of complex geometry, colours, lines, lights, etc. Globalisation, which is widely accepted as the advancements in technology, particularly transportation and communication means, enabled both AF to develop more possibilities in design and flexibility in application. Thus one of the aims of this dissertation is to explore the common characteristics and interrelation between Architecture and Fashion in a global concept. In fact, this idea has arisen from the observation of parallel growth of materiality and identification in fashion and architecture designs and impleme ntations. On the other hand, as this masters dissertation main argument suggests, these close synergies between the two disciplines might create the risk of commodification and commercialisation in architecture and rather than an ideology, architecture might become a consumer product. The reason for this idea is that fashion is marketing of desire while architecture is monumental; fashion is destined to die in a short time, while architects aim eternity via their opuses; and most importantly, fashion is a tool for joining to the society, being a part of it while architecture provides privacy, i.e. isolation from the rest of the world. Our main argument is that, the close relationship between AF, could create a risk for architecture reducing the architectural ideology to the cladding and exterior picture, only. Regarding to the relation between AF, we take conceptual, visual-imagery, and contemporary age of globalisation approaches to explore the synergetic and disharmonious relation between the two fields. In the conceptual exploration, the concepts of beauty and its relation to architecture will be first explored in order to find out fashions and architectures common aim to create the beautiful or perfect shelter and dwelling for the human being. From the conceptual point of view, both AF reflects the taste, identity, and culture of the individual and the society at a given period. However, this period is greatly short for Fashion compared to the eternity of architecture. If style is the language of architecture, fashion represents the wide and swirling-cultural currents that shape and direct that language says Rybczynski, architectural reputation, as well as architecture comes on the fashions sway. Therefore, at its most basic, the mission of architecture is application of a style on a space in order to express our taste. On the identity side, the fashion system, as described by Barthes (1983, 277) is a cultural object, with its own original structure, and probably, with a new finality through the language which henceforth takes charge of it, Fashion becomes narrative. Therefore fashion manipulates the visual language as a means of reflecting the identity of individuals in specific, and the culture of the society in general while architecture, in a broader sense goes beyond manipulating the visual language, but is more sophisticated in terms of manipulating the concept of the whole space. Fashion is somewhat a reflection of the collective identity of a given group, such as, same gender, age group, occupational group, and so on, while architecture is for everyone in a given society. While fashion is shaped by the individuals, architecture shapes the society through the spatial applications. In sum, fashion can be described as the wall of the body while architecture is the body itself and the dwelling s urrounding that body. On the visual and imagery approach, AF share more in common, especially with the developments in material and digital techniques, such as, high tech textiles, pliable building materials, computer assisted design (CAD) software, and all that. One commonly observed contemporary fact that architecture and fashion are both enjoying the use of pliable and flexible materials which enables architects, such as, Zaha Hadid and Rem Koolhass to borrow pleating techniques from the fashion designers and fashion designers, such as, Lucy Orta and Yeohlee Teng borrowing from the concept of urban space and durability from architects However, these borrowings today are observed so frequently that it holds a danger for architecture to be reduced to surface, and the harmony between the outer and inner of the structure is almost lost (this will be further explored and discussed in the globalisation concept). From the contemporary view, several issues will be explored: It can be said that contemporary era conditions, such as, computer aided designs, flexible and durable materials, technology and communication means which are available almost to everyone in the world as pushing factors Fashion, Architecture and other science and art branches interact better than those in the past. The contemporary era is, of course, not without problems: environmental issues, limited sources (such as energy and water), global warming, immigration and civil rights, and so on. Hereof, it is observed that contemporary era[1] designers should be more socially responsible and interact in these issues more. That is to say, design should not be consumed so fast, designers should act more environmental conscious and socially responsive, sameness in global cities might create a catastrophe, commodification and commercialisation should be avoided, the harmony between the inner and outer surfaces and dwellings should not be avoided. If these cannot be done because of the mass media and mass production, than fashioning the architecture is inevitable which is represented in our Fashionable Hut. From a simple viewpoint, the role of fashion within architecture is persistent especially on the surfaces and faades, finishes, and appliqus. The purpose of this investigation is to object to the typical relationship between FA. The position of this thesis is that architecture should go back to its earliest form. This idea is further developed with the design component which attempts to build a wearable space in order to change the surface easily in line with clothing fashion. The architectural investigation centres on the question: can architecture be fashioned rather than conceptualised? The rest of the work is catalogued as follows. Dissertation Statement In todays ever changing environment art fields and designers are influenced by each other. However, when it comes the Fashion and Architecture interactions this relationship goes back as early as the Ice Age. This dissertation explores three dimensions of AF interactions with special interest on the African influence on Modernity: cultural, visual-imagery and global concept where each of these will conduct individual sections throughout the work. Objectives Fashion and Architecture have many parallels in terms of their objectives and use of scales in addition to use of colours, angles, light, etc. The aim of this dissertation is twofold: to understand the relationship between AF from the past practices and to design a structure representing the timelessness of the architecture compared to the short life of fashion. Methodology As for many arts and humanity studies, the nature of this dissertation is a qualitative one. Thus, data will be collected through sources, such as designers works, websites, and interviews in addition to analysis of exhibitions, collections, designs, and structures. Background: Origins In the clich form, the relationship between these two disciplines back to the earliest mans use of the same materials for sheltering himself and for covering his body. At its most simplistic description, construction started with the earliest man building a shelter for him and so did the started when he covered his body (with the same material). The evolution of this interaction, mainly from Sempers view of point will be discussed in the theoretical chapter of this work. For the time being, we first aim to distinguish fashion from clothing and architecture from construction by referring to their meanings. The word fashion comes from the Latin word facia meaning to make or a particular make or shape (Kawamura, 2005, p. 3). Although fashion is mostly used to express clothing trends, especially, womens clothing[1] however, in a broader term (and for the purpose of this study) it refers to the rapid changes in trends that occurred especially after the nineteenth-century industrialization as a result of the developments in producing new fashion quickly and somehow inexpensively. Fashion constructs desire, and it is a momentary process. Architecture, on the other hand, is not simply making or shaping the structure, as Colomina defines it architecture is the interpretation of the space. It is an experiential, interpretative and critical, consequence. Therefore architecture is a monumentary conceptual, ideological, and philosophical process which constructs vision in contrast to fashions visual aspects. AF interaction starts in a way of displaying the identity of an individual and creating the perfect spatial surface and structure, both fields share the idea of the human body and on ideas of space, volume, and movement and as well because both are a layer that communicates between the environment and body with the ability to convey identity on the personal, political, cultural and other levels within life and society . In linguistic terms, fashion could be described as the visualization of the image identity that the users want to reflect to the society. This identity is not necessarily to be the real identity of the person; it is rather about what we want the society to think about us, but not really what we are in real life. Taking architecture as a language defined by Jencks, contemporarily, architecture could be both defined as the visualization of our REAL identities, and identity does not change as often as fashion trends do. However, as we conceive of it today (and for the purpose of this study), architecture is an experiential, critical, and interpretative practice rather than being about construction only. Therefore it dates back to the Greek Mythology of the Labyrinth (BC 3) where Daedalus who built the Cretan Labyrinth is regarded as the first architect. Nevertheless, be due to the interpretative nature of architecture, contrary to the myth, Daedalus was not the first architect since he built the labyrinth but did not understand its structure, Ariadne who interpreted the structure with the help of a device (a thread) should be regarded as the first architect (Colomina,). Fashion, on the other hand, developed in a different manner, while architecture aimed to shape the society, fashion was shaped by the society itself. In fact, apart from clothing as an ordinary definition, fashion started only in the AD 1700s in line with the merchant capitalism and accelerated during and after the Industrial Revolut ion since the working class could effort to compete with the upper class in terms of clothing and dressing up [2]. Therefore, from the historical perspective, we can talk about the links between AF only relating the period after the 18th C. But, what drove such a relationship? In other words, how did architecture collide in the realms of fashion, or vice-versa? Next section aims to answer these questions in order to maintain a theoretical background to our criticism regarding to todays condition. Conceptuality Architectural history, it turns out, was ideally situated to deal with the double connotation of fashion as the history of clothing styles and the more specific use of fashion to designate the process of change peculiar to capitalism. Because architects active around the turn of the last century were concerned directly with dress-either as an effort to reform modern appearance or as part of the scenography of interiors-and because they were deeply engaged with the temporal problematic of creating a modern style, their debates betray an interesting conflation of clothing as artifact and fashion as process, which in other fields has created ambiguity. To this they brought a theoretical heritage concerned with the origins or primordial basis of architecture as a fabrication of enclosure, shelter, or dwelling; analogies to covering the body were standard, and textiles were postulated to have played a crucial role. Dress design has been an aspect . In fact, the closest relation between AF might be stated as to create the absolutely beautiful structures and spaces for the body. In order to interpret the space, as an architect, one should experience it, and the centre of the experiential world is the human body. Our bodies and movements are in constant interaction with the environment; the world and the self inform and redefine each other constantly . Then, is the mission of fashion to provide the most suitable and comfortable coverings for the body to sense the space? While the importance of body (as proportion, movement, etc.) was emphasised by Vitruvius in the BC20s, it was only in 1900s when corset was abolished from fashion, and more recent, in 1960s that (feminist) women argued dressing in a manner of unrestricting their actual movements. While the body and architecture and the body and fashion are so close, on the one hand, as Wigley emphasizes, architects tried to escape from the temporality and futility of fashion (represented as feminine ornaments in architecture) during the Modern Era, by their judgment that fashion (represented in ornament in architecture) is something feminine and ugly, on the other, many of those (male architects) Henry Van de Velde, Josef Hoffmann, Lilly Reich, Frank Lloyd Wright or their wives (Anna Muthesius, Lilli Behrens) designed clothes. Others, notably Otto Wagner, Adolf Loos, and Hermann Muthesius, wrote about fashion . In order to understand this paradox, Kinney proposes to understand the post-modernism first. However, in a reductionist way, we will follow the historical manner. The metaphor of human body as an architectural space is not a new concept; or it is not a concept that appeared only in the Modernism intervals, it can be traced as back as Vitruvius[3] who explored the body as a proportion to the structure. According to Vitruvius, no building can be said to be well designed which wants symmetry and proportion. In truth they are as necessary to the beauty of a building as to that of a well formed human figure, which nature has so fashioned (De Architectura, Gwilt Translation, 1826, p. 78)[4]. In order to create the rhythm, buildings should be designed according to three correlated elements: utilitas, venustas, and firmitas[5] (Rasmussen, 1959). So, as to Vitruvius, architectural design should refer to the unquestionable perfection of the bodys symmetry and proportions[6]. Even so, The issue of beauty had been problematic for Vitruvius. On the one hand he made allusions to the harmonic ratios of Pythagorean musical theory, suggesting there was a higher cosmic order underlying the judgment of beauty. On the other hand he gave architects the right to vary proportions if the eye calls for corrections, or as the arts make progress . As the perfect beauty is rarely found in the nature, thus ornament, as the mediating element between raw nature (materials) and the ordering lines of the architecture (Mallgrave op cit) was needed. This mediating element between the raw nature (body) and the perfect look is clothing and accessories in the fashion sense. As Ruskin states, this ornamentation should be whatever God has created, such as, abstract lines and the whole range of systemized organic and inorganic forms . Nonetheless, after rediscovery of Vitruvius in the 15th C, people interpreted him according to their own way be due to language obstacles , the fashionable ornamental excesses of the Rococo and in the medievalism of the Gothic and especially in the Renaissance Era, architectural ornament heavily relied on the human figures. 18th C is marked as this heavily use of ornament (specifically human figures, Laugier (1755) was responded only in the Modernist Era. Dont let us be profuse in ornaments, let us put much plain, something negligent, with the elegant and magnificent, let us pass in common from the negligent to the plain, from the simple to the elegant, from the elegant to the magnificent: Sometimes let us go briefly from one extreme to the other through opposition, the boldness of which strikes the fight and may produce very grand . This heavily reliance of ornament should have been in a way that would not a dilemma between the ornament use and refute which probably best reflected by Winckelmann[7] (1755). Once he stated that sameness or monotony as defects in architecture which result building without decoration and is like a healthy person who is reduced to poverty, something no one looks upon as a good thing, then later he proposed that beauty is represented by simplicity and serenity, (mainly by the Grecian designers). The Greeks alone seem to have thrown forth beauty as a potter makes his pot (because Greeks were close to the nature and they had copied it) which he calls this beauty as noble (Lefaivre Tzonis, 2004, pp. 369-370). While Winckelmann was somehow vague between the ornamented and simplified beauty, his contemporary, and main challenger -Italian architect- Giovanni Battista Piranesi was clear about absolute beauty which came as the concept of sublime placed above beauty in the hierarchy . From an architectural view, Piranesi supported heavily ornamented late-empire Roman architecture in opposition to the rigorists . Similarly, Owen Jones who is regarded as one of the most influential design theorists and architects of the 19th C believes that ornament and proportion should serve for the architectural perfection. In his words: construction should be decorated As in every perfect work of Architecture a true proportion will be found to reign between all the members which compose it, so throughout the Decorative Arts every assemblage of forms should be arranged on certain definite proportions; the whole and each particular member should be a multiple of some simple unit every ornament arises quietly and naturally from the surface decorated. . That is to say, the ideal beauty till the 18th C was represented by proportion, symmetry, and rhythm which were found in the human body, naturally. In the short space of a single section of such a humble study, one can say little about the wide gamut of the whole debate of beauty, ornament, nature, and all the above issues reviewed above[8]. Rather, we intend to provide a short background to the closer relationship between clothing and architecture with special reference to Sempers Theory of Dressing, Sullivans nude buildings, and Loos absolute rejection of ornament in bodies and buildings altogether created fundamental changes in clothing and style[9], too in the Modern Era. Identity Gottfried Semper, who broke the Vitruvian high ideals by his Four Elements of Architecture, could be regarded as the first who directly pointed out the AF connection though arguably he might have led reducing architecture to the wall and roof by emphasizing only the application of the evolution theory to these structures. According to Semper, idea of the wall evolved from the sequence of spatial enclosures and the stages of the evolution were: primitive screen or woven mat, then metal sheathing and, eventually, carpets, whose colourful images were applied to the surface of masonry building to evoke a sentiment of monumentality. Further, Semper developed his Theory of Dressing aimed two aspects: first, to underline the importance of the textile industry in the origins of architecture and second, Semper was concerned with the difficulty involved in the artistic use of iron in monumental architecture . . Among them Viennese Architect Otto Wagner examined the relationship between architecture and fashion both in theory and practice . However, his contemporary, Adolf Loos is most known for his interest in fashion (as taking Sempers ideals further and implementing them) and absolute rejection and obsession with the ornament in the human body and in buildings. It must be noted here that, while primitivism referred to simplicity and purism for Semper, however, Loos took it as uncivilized world (for him Papuans referencing Africa). He (Loos) stressed that the more ornament the human being uses (such as tattoos and piercings) the most likely he / she is to commit crime. Architects such as Le Corbusier, Hermann Muthesius and Peter Behrens also perceived the building as a nicely garmented body and thus appreciated Loos lessons on dressing and building. By doing so, Modernism, particularly as expressed by Le Corbusier, aimed to break from the utopian life by eliminating the medieval inequaliti es of social classes, destroy the distinction between the streets and stripes, through art, especially architecture since architecture is the art of living. Among the fashion designers, Coco Chanel is best known for her style in line with Loos ideas (this concept and relationship will be examined further in the next chapter of this study), however, Loos main significance for this study is that He was the first among those who declared the fashion and architecture relationship sharply. Ever since Louis Sullivan called for called for refraining entirely from the use of ornament for a period of years, in order that our thought might concentrate acutely upon the production of buildings well formed and comely in the nude (we might also add Adolf Loos proposition to connect ornament with crime and primitivism[10]) till Moussavis work on the Function of Ornament and Domeises Re-Sampling Ornament exhibition, recently ornament has been a dirty word in architectural circles for decades . In fact, ornament was associated with gender, mainly femininity and sexuality by the Modern Architects and thus it should have been omitted and FORM is to FOLLOW FUNCTION. This functionalism, as Loos puts it, for Modernist architecture is that the house does not have to tell anything to the exterior; instead all its richness must be manifest in the interior (cited from Colomina: 1996, p 32). Colomina further declares that the outside is only the cover of the book, it is clothing, it is mask . However, inside it is a meditation between the space and the individual. While fashion is the graphical translation of the individual human body while architecture is the non-verbal communication between the space and the society. Fashion as a Mask is satisfies our quest for individuality within the context of a society while architectural construction is a tool for satisfying the need for isolating ourselves, it is the real shelter. While fashion performs uniformity in the society, architectural manifest refuses restrictions. This disjunction further brings out the refusal of fashion-able as in Le Corbusiers statement: What we wished to express in art was the Universal and Permanent and to throw to the dogs the Vacillating and the Fashionable. [11] However, with Chanels response to that functionalism, in her little black dress that can be a party dress with accessories, such as, a pearl necklace, and also it functions as a day dress with a cardigan or worn plainly, it can be said that fashion felt in the realms of architecture, or looking at Le Corbusiers statement above, we can say that fashion invaded architectures space. This irony that on the one hand, while architectural ideas tried to escape from the fashion, fashion designers, such as, Chanel, Schiaparelli, and Dior adored architectural ideas on functionalism and omitting ornaments and applied architectural styles in their designs, on the other hand, while stating how ugly the feminine fashion, architects did not keep away from fashions space. Art, craft, architecture, style one for all The above ideas summarize Bauhaus (and, International Style, after the World War II and migration of Bauhaus members to other countries, mainly USA) further to create rational societies through rational design. Bauhaus was revolutionary school of art, architecture and design established by the pioneer modern architect Walter Gropius at Weimar in Germany in 1919 (Tate Modern). It was a place of learning and implementing where the borders between art and science and man and machine were eliminated. This design issue was not restricted to only architecture, but included almost all branches of art and design, such as, designing factories, their catalogues and even stationeries, or designing houses and offices, their furniture, the paintings, etc. (from the Manifesto of Bauhaus by Gropius). The idea is straightforward: in order to unite the universe, as artists we must unite our styles and International Style, could supply a framework for this. The principles are: down with frontiers, up with the grid, no curved lines, so that art will be collective for the universal, and general grammar of the shape would be geometry[12]. . The stage workshop was an interaction between all performance arts, i.e., music, dance, theatre. Led by Schlemmer (an architect, paint, designer) Bauhaus costumes were designed in order to express philosophical and compositional expression of key body types: pure, clear, and clean. Costume, architecture, body, and space were dynamic and inextricably linked for Schlemmer. His single subject was the human figure. He reduced to puppet-like, two-dimensional shapes that were expressive of the human body as a perfect system of proportions and functions analogous to the machine age (Bauhaus Archive Webpage). Schlemmers costume designs were playful and disruptive, and restrictive for the human body that inhabited his costumes reflecting Schlemmers theory that human types were artificial constructions. The function of costume is to emphasize the identity of the body or to change it. Costume expresses the bodys nature or it purposely misleads us regarding it (extracted from: History of Modern Drama, Emory University). The skectches of body and costumes designed at Bauhaus will be further explored and critised in the next chapter. Meantime, from the chronological point of view, the true beauty of the Bauhaus movement according to the author, is that its dictum anounced by Ludwig Mies van der Rohe: less is more[13] The concept is simplicity and clarity lead to high-quality design. From the perspective of an architect, it is a working method in which aesthetic seeks to astonish in a simple way and without unnecessary elements. The spaces are adapted to an idea of life that is intended to be simple, the walls linear, the floors with smooth texture and as a whole the structure that allows fascination. The virtue is absence, absence of ornament, unneeded details that will result more sensation. Since fewer elements mean fewer possibilities, minimalist architecture is more difficult to achieve perfection. Thus it represents the aesthetics of the silence, the space of culture. The space functions create a rehearsal with the mind and isolates us from the outside. Modernism and its principles as an architectural movement were well set, as emphasised in the dictums, manifests and practices of the scholars and designers. However, two paradoxes could be observed here: one is that although its principles were well set and communicated, its implications diverted from country to country (mainly be due to vernacular and dwellings of those places) hence a uniformed design could not be implemented, second, although the word modern refers to contemporary, being contemporary, adopting the developments, etc. Modernist architects were more utopian in their principles as the only acceptable truth in design issues. Skin and Bones, that is architecture, no needles The following years, with Ludwig Mies van der Rohes revolution, the glass house, the principles of Modern architecture, i.e. functionalism, concreteness, transparency, cleanness and lightness all came to life. His dictum less is more represented the idea of less structural frame with mo
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