Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Sectional Issues And Its’ Impact On American Society....
Sectional Issues and Its’ Impact on American Society Sectional issues have been dealt within American society since the colonial era, where various groups would try to out-resource one another in the hopes of not only survival but in hopes of profit. However, in the sectional issues of 1844-1860, the conflicts presented continue to exist to modern times while simultaneously changing the overall perspective of what it means to be an American. The freedom of slaves was still in question by the end of the era of turmoil, even though that was the key issue disputed. Issues over a balance of slaveholding states and abolition states was also a continuous struggle. Both of these issues had endured far too much compromise-there needed to be a†¦show more content†¦This fiery excerpt serves as evidence that the sectional issues were indeed not cured by a haphazard compromise. In fact, the wound that was a divided Union would never be cured by a compromise. It was time for change. Although without proposing a solution, Senator Daniel We bster also agreed it was time for change, at least in such a way that would create a balance once again, but without tearing the Union apart. He did this by writing, â€Å"I hear with pain and anguish the word ‘secession’, especially when it falls from the lips of those who are eminently patriotic, and known to the country, and known all over the world for their political services. Secession! Peaceable secession! Sir, your eyes and mine are never destined to see that miracle...I hold the idea of a separation of these states-those that are free to form one government and those that are slaveholding to form another-as a moral impossibility. We could not separate the states by any such line if we were to draw it. We could not sit down here today and draw a line of separation that would satisfy any five men in the country.†(Document 1). Again, the issue of slavery and slaveholding states was weighing a massive burden on the nation, and compromises such as the Compro mise of 1850 were simply no longer going to work. There needed to be a definitive solution, and unfortunately, that solution was found through war after the era of deep rooted sectional disputes â€Å"ended†.Show MoreRelated Is Third Worlld Immigration a Threat to Americas Way of Life703 Words  | 3 Pagesbelieve it is. I agree with Isbister. He argues that cultural impacts of immigration â€Å"are positive, constructive changes, that most Americans will benefit from living in a more multicultural society, and that tension between the different ethnic groups can be alleviated. I for one am a Filipino-American and proud of it. My parents came to America from the Philippines to make a better life for themselves. They came here for the so-called â€Å"American Dream.†My parents believed in all the sayings about â€Å"TheRead MoreImportance of Nationalism and Sectionalism During James Monroe Presidency874 Words  | 3 Pagestraditional name given to the years of James Monroe’s presidency, following the end of the War of 1812. Events such as the Louisiana Purchase, which nearly doubled the size of American land and proved the Federalist party didn’t have much as they opposed the purchase, and fighting against the Barbary Pirates which gained the American navy respect made people in America proud to be there and led up to the â€Å"good feelings.†The time was mostly characterized by an increase of nationalistic spirits as the RepublicanRead MoreThe United States Essay1243 Words  | 5 PagesManifest Destiny led to multiple political conflicts resulting an increase in sectionalism and eventually complete sectional division. As time progressed so did the scale of slavery in the United States. Politicians were divided over the status of slavery throughout the United states, but the acquisition of new territory provided new areas to fight the over slavery and other issues. For the most part the status of slavery within the well organized Eastern territories was decided, prohibited inRead MoreEssay about President Abraham Lincoln1151 Words  | 5 Pageslate 1800s, sectional tensions in America had led to a split between the Northern and Southern states. During the Antebellum period, the North became more industrialized as the South increased its agricultural production. The two sections developed differing economies and ideas and by April 14, 1861, at Fort Sumter, the tensions came to a head as the American Civil War began. Skillfully guiding the nation through this time of hardship and considered one of the greatest presidents in American historyRead MoreHow Did The Constitution Cause Our Nation?152 3 Words  | 7 PagesDuring the 1850’s, the Constitution was originally formed to help facilitate in making our nation unified. It had become a source of sectional tension between states and ultimately contributed to the failure of the Union it had created. This statement is mostly valid. The fact that it had become a source of sectional discord and tension is true. The part that I disagree with is that the Constitution â€Å"ultimately contributed to the failure of the Union is had created.†This is just not true becauseRead MoreChanging Politics And The Second Party System1323 Words  | 6 Pageswould greatly impact the way society viewed and dealt with politics. Two factors of this change involved the development of internal improvements such as the Erie Canal and the way influential politicians like Andrew Jackson and Henry Clay responded to them. Carol Sherriff explores the former factor in her book The Artificial River: The Erie Canal and the Paradox of Pro gress, 1817-1862. She discusses how the Erie brought about conflicting changes in the economics, politics, and society of New YorkRead MoreThe Prevalence Of The Obesity Epidemic1677 Words  | 7 PagesHershey, and other branded products have global recognition and reach, therefore also causing a rise to obesity levels across the world. What is most alarming is that the documentary provides intensely disquieting statistics such as, 1 out of 3 Americans will have diabetes in 2050 (Fed Up, 2014). Therefore, the aim of this research paper is to explore through various resources if the proceed food industry, by promoting sugar in their products, is directly responsible for the rise in obesity levelRead MoreAp Exam Essays1660 Words  | 7 PagesThe growth of the Sun Belt †¢ Immigration to the United States 2009 [pic]AP Exam Essays 1. DBQ: From 1775 to 1830, many African Americans gained fredom from slavery, yet during the same period the institution of slavery expanded. Explain why BOTH of these changes took place. Analyze the ways that BOTH free African Americans and enslaved African Americans responded to the challenges confronting them. 2. Analyze the ways in which British imperial policies between 1763 and 1776 intensifiedRead MoreParental Involvement : An Examination Of The Correlates Of Over Parenting Of College Students1944 Words  | 8 Pagesthis has on their experience or potential experience in the workplace and college itself. This research was done by designing an online survey with an interval measurement, which was completed by 482 undergraduate college students of a large public American university. Through this online survey, researchers concluded partial truths in 5 hypotheses. The consensus of these 5 hypotheses included the relationship between parental involvement, over-parenting; and parental educational attainment, studentRead MoreA Research Study On The American Diabetes Association ( Ada ) Essay1469 Words  | 6 Pagesthat no single hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) target is appropriate for all patients. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) suggests a fundamentally patient-centered approach to determine an individual’s HbA1c target. However, the ADA also recommends a HbA1c target level of less than 7% for the majority of patients [6]. Sample Two-phases observational descriptive study. In the quantitative phase we conducted a cross-sectional survey of a sample of 380 healthcare professionals (general practitioners (GPs)
Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Sectional Issues And Its’ Impact On American Society....
Sectional Issues and Its’ Impact on American Society Sectional issues have been dealt within American society since the colonial era, where various groups would try to out-resource one another in the hopes of not only survival but in hopes of profit. However, in the sectional issues of 1844-1860, the conflicts presented continue to exist to modern times while simultaneously changing the overall perspective of what it means to be an American. The freedom of slaves was still in question by the end of the era of turmoil, even though that was the key issue disputed. Issues over a balance of slaveholding states and abolition states was also a continuous struggle. Both of these issues had endured far too much compromise-there needed to be a†¦show more content†¦This fiery excerpt serves as evidence that the sectional issues were indeed not cured by a haphazard compromise. In fact, the wound that was a divided Union would never be cured by a compromise. It was time for change. Although without proposing a solution, Senator Daniel We bster also agreed it was time for change, at least in such a way that would create a balance once again, but without tearing the Union apart. He did this by writing, â€Å"I hear with pain and anguish the word ‘secession’, especially when it falls from the lips of those who are eminently patriotic, and known to the country, and known all over the world for their political services. Secession! Peaceable secession! Sir, your eyes and mine are never destined to see that miracle...I hold the idea of a separation of these states-those that are free to form one government and those that are slaveholding to form another-as a moral impossibility. We could not separate the states by any such line if we were to draw it. We could not sit down here today and draw a line of separation that would satisfy any five men in the country.†(Document 1). Again, the issue of slavery and slaveholding states was weighing a massive burden on the nation, and compromises such as the Compro mise of 1850 were simply no longer going to work. There needed to be a definitive solution, and unfortunately, that solution was found through war after the era of deep rooted sectional disputes â€Å"ended†.Show MoreRelated Is Third Worlld Immigration a Threat to Americas Way of Life703 Words  | 3 Pagesbelieve it is. I agree with Isbister. He argues that cultural impacts of immigration â€Å"are positive, constructive changes, that most Americans will benefit from living in a more multicultural society, and that tension between the different ethnic groups can be alleviated. I for one am a Filipino-American and proud of it. My parents came to America from the Philippines to make a better life for themselves. They came here for the so-called â€Å"American Dream.†My parents believed in all the sayings about â€Å"TheRead MoreImportance of Nationalism and Sectionalism During James Monroe Presidency874 Words  | 3 Pagestraditional name given to the years of James Monroe’s presidency, following the end of the War of 1812. Events such as the Louisiana Purchase, which nearly doubled the size of American land and proved the Federalist party didn’t have much as they opposed the purchase, and fighting against the Barbary Pirates which gained the American navy respect made people in America proud to be there and led up to the â€Å"good feelings.†The time was mostly characterized by an increase of nationalistic spirits as the RepublicanRead MoreThe United States Essay1243 Words  | 5 PagesManifest Destiny led to multiple political conflicts resulting an increase in sectionalism and eventually complete sectional division. As time progressed so did the scale of slavery in the United States. Politicians were divided over the status of slavery throughout the United states, but the acquisition of new territory provided new areas to fight the over slavery and other issues. For the most part the status of slavery within the well organized Eastern territories was decided, prohibited inRead MoreEssay about President Abraham Lincoln1151 Words  | 5 Pageslate 1800s, sectional tensions in America had led to a split between the Northern and Southern states. During the Antebellum period, the North became more industrialized as the South increased its agricultural production. The two sections developed differing economies and ideas and by April 14, 1861, at Fort Sumter, the tensions came to a head as the American Civil War began. Skillfully guiding the nation through this time of hardship and considered one of the greatest presidents in American historyRead MoreHow Did The Constitution Cause Our Nation?152 3 Words  | 7 PagesDuring the 1850’s, the Constitution was originally formed to help facilitate in making our nation unified. It had become a source of sectional tension between states and ultimately contributed to the failure of the Union it had created. This statement is mostly valid. The fact that it had become a source of sectional discord and tension is true. The part that I disagree with is that the Constitution â€Å"ultimately contributed to the failure of the Union is had created.†This is just not true becauseRead MoreChanging Politics And The Second Party System1323 Words  | 6 Pageswould greatly impact the way society viewed and dealt with politics. Two factors of this change involved the development of internal improvements such as the Erie Canal and the way influential politicians like Andrew Jackson and Henry Clay responded to them. Carol Sherriff explores the former factor in her book The Artificial River: The Erie Canal and the Paradox of Pro gress, 1817-1862. She discusses how the Erie brought about conflicting changes in the economics, politics, and society of New YorkRead MoreThe Prevalence Of The Obesity Epidemic1677 Words  | 7 PagesHershey, and other branded products have global recognition and reach, therefore also causing a rise to obesity levels across the world. What is most alarming is that the documentary provides intensely disquieting statistics such as, 1 out of 3 Americans will have diabetes in 2050 (Fed Up, 2014). Therefore, the aim of this research paper is to explore through various resources if the proceed food industry, by promoting sugar in their products, is directly responsible for the rise in obesity levelRead MoreAp Exam Essays1660 Words  | 7 PagesThe growth of the Sun Belt †¢ Immigration to the United States 2009 [pic]AP Exam Essays 1. DBQ: From 1775 to 1830, many African Americans gained fredom from slavery, yet during the same period the institution of slavery expanded. Explain why BOTH of these changes took place. Analyze the ways that BOTH free African Americans and enslaved African Americans responded to the challenges confronting them. 2. Analyze the ways in which British imperial policies between 1763 and 1776 intensifiedRead MoreParental Involvement : An Examination Of The Correlates Of Over Parenting Of College Students1944 Words  | 8 Pagesthis has on their experience or potential experience in the workplace and college itself. This research was done by designing an online survey with an interval measurement, which was completed by 482 undergraduate college students of a large public American university. Through this online survey, researchers concluded partial truths in 5 hypotheses. The consensus of these 5 hypotheses included the relationship between parental involvement, over-parenting; and parental educational attainment, studentRead MoreA Research Study On The American Diabetes Association ( Ada ) Essay1469 Words  | 6 Pagesthat no single hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) target is appropriate for all patients. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) suggests a fundamentally patient-centered approach to determine an individual’s HbA1c target. However, the ADA also recommends a HbA1c target level of less than 7% for the majority of patients [6]. Sample Two-phases observational descriptive study. In the quantitative phase we conducted a cross-sectional survey of a sample of 380 healthcare professionals (general practitioners (GPs)
Sectional Issues And Its’ Impact On American Society....
Sectional Issues and Its’ Impact on American Society Sectional issues have been dealt within American society since the colonial era, where various groups would try to out-resource one another in the hopes of not only survival but in hopes of profit. However, in the sectional issues of 1844-1860, the conflicts presented continue to exist to modern times while simultaneously changing the overall perspective of what it means to be an American. The freedom of slaves was still in question by the end of the era of turmoil, even though that was the key issue disputed. Issues over a balance of slaveholding states and abolition states was also a continuous struggle. Both of these issues had endured far too much compromise-there needed to be a†¦show more content†¦This fiery excerpt serves as evidence that the sectional issues were indeed not cured by a haphazard compromise. In fact, the wound that was a divided Union would never be cured by a compromise. It was time for change. Although without proposing a solution, Senator Daniel We bster also agreed it was time for change, at least in such a way that would create a balance once again, but without tearing the Union apart. He did this by writing, â€Å"I hear with pain and anguish the word ‘secession’, especially when it falls from the lips of those who are eminently patriotic, and known to the country, and known all over the world for their political services. Secession! Peaceable secession! Sir, your eyes and mine are never destined to see that miracle...I hold the idea of a separation of these states-those that are free to form one government and those that are slaveholding to form another-as a moral impossibility. We could not separate the states by any such line if we were to draw it. We could not sit down here today and draw a line of separation that would satisfy any five men in the country.†(Document 1). Again, the issue of slavery and slaveholding states was weighing a massive burden on the nation, and compromises such as the Compro mise of 1850 were simply no longer going to work. There needed to be a definitive solution, and unfortunately, that solution was found through war after the era of deep rooted sectional disputes â€Å"ended†.Show MoreRelated Is Third Worlld Immigration a Threat to Americas Way of Life703 Words  | 3 Pagesbelieve it is. I agree with Isbister. He argues that cultural impacts of immigration â€Å"are positive, constructive changes, that most Americans will benefit from living in a more multicultural society, and that tension between the different ethnic groups can be alleviated. I for one am a Filipino-American and proud of it. My parents came to America from the Philippines to make a better life for themselves. They came here for the so-called â€Å"American Dream.†My parents believed in all the sayings about â€Å"TheRead MoreImportance of Nationalism and Sectionalism During James Monroe Presidency874 Words  | 3 Pagestraditional name given to the years of James Monroe’s presidency, following the end of the War of 1812. Events such as the Louisiana Purchase, which nearly doubled the size of American land and proved the Federalist party didn’t have much as they opposed the purchase, and fighting against the Barbary Pirates which gained the American navy respect made people in America proud to be there and led up to the â€Å"good feelings.†The time was mostly characterized by an increase of nationalistic spirits as the RepublicanRead MoreThe United States Essay1243 Words  | 5 PagesManifest Destiny led to multiple political conflicts resulting an increase in sectionalism and eventually complete sectional division. As time progressed so did the scale of slavery in the United States. Politicians were divided over the status of slavery throughout the United states, but the acquisition of new territory provided new areas to fight the over slavery and other issues. For the most part the status of slavery within the well organized Eastern territories was decided, prohibited inRead MoreEssay about President Abraham Lincoln1151 Words  | 5 Pageslate 1800s, sectional tensions in America had led to a split between the Northern and Southern states. During the Antebellum period, the North became more industrialized as the South increased its agricultural production. The two sections developed differing economies and ideas and by April 14, 1861, at Fort Sumter, the tensions came to a head as the American Civil War began. Skillfully guiding the nation through this time of hardship and considered one of the greatest presidents in American historyRead MoreHow Did The Constitution Cause Our Nation?152 3 Words  | 7 PagesDuring the 1850’s, the Constitution was originally formed to help facilitate in making our nation unified. It had become a source of sectional tension between states and ultimately contributed to the failure of the Union it had created. This statement is mostly valid. The fact that it had become a source of sectional discord and tension is true. The part that I disagree with is that the Constitution â€Å"ultimately contributed to the failure of the Union is had created.†This is just not true becauseRead MoreChanging Politics And The Second Party System1323 Words  | 6 Pageswould greatly impact the way society viewed and dealt with politics. Two factors of this change involved the development of internal improvements such as the Erie Canal and the way influential politicians like Andrew Jackson and Henry Clay responded to them. Carol Sherriff explores the former factor in her book The Artificial River: The Erie Canal and the Paradox of Pro gress, 1817-1862. She discusses how the Erie brought about conflicting changes in the economics, politics, and society of New YorkRead MoreThe Prevalence Of The Obesity Epidemic1677 Words  | 7 PagesHershey, and other branded products have global recognition and reach, therefore also causing a rise to obesity levels across the world. What is most alarming is that the documentary provides intensely disquieting statistics such as, 1 out of 3 Americans will have diabetes in 2050 (Fed Up, 2014). Therefore, the aim of this research paper is to explore through various resources if the proceed food industry, by promoting sugar in their products, is directly responsible for the rise in obesity levelRead MoreAp Exam Essays1660 Words  | 7 PagesThe growth of the Sun Belt †¢ Immigration to the United States 2009 [pic]AP Exam Essays 1. DBQ: From 1775 to 1830, many African Americans gained fredom from slavery, yet during the same period the institution of slavery expanded. Explain why BOTH of these changes took place. Analyze the ways that BOTH free African Americans and enslaved African Americans responded to the challenges confronting them. 2. Analyze the ways in which British imperial policies between 1763 and 1776 intensifiedRead MoreParental Involvement : An Examination Of The Correlates Of Over Parenting Of College Students1944 Words  | 8 Pagesthis has on their experience or potential experience in the workplace and college itself. This research was done by designing an online survey with an interval measurement, which was completed by 482 undergraduate college students of a large public American university. Through this online survey, researchers concluded partial truths in 5 hypotheses. The consensus of these 5 hypotheses included the relationship between parental involvement, over-parenting; and parental educational attainment, studentRead MoreA Research Study On The American Diabetes Association ( Ada ) Essay1469 Words  | 6 Pagesthat no single hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) target is appropriate for all patients. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) suggests a fundamentally patient-centered approach to determine an individual’s HbA1c target. However, the ADA also recommends a HbA1c target level of less than 7% for the majority of patients [6]. Sample Two-phases observational descriptive study. In the quantitative phase we conducted a cross-sectional survey of a sample of 380 healthcare professionals (general practitioners (GPs)
Monday, December 16, 2019
Sunday, December 8, 2019
World Population free essay sample
Many people have expressed great concerns about the rate of growth as well as the size of the world’s population. During the last 50 years, the world population has doubled rapidly more than ever before giving a global population of 7 billion. At the beginning of the population increase, there were many factors that caused it to grow. With the industrial revolution came advances in agriculture and industry that provided a way for individual families to be able to afford more children. Increases in our knowledge about nutrition and medicine helped us to have more healthy babies. When women take care of their bodies better, they are more fertile and therefore can have more children. With cures for fatal diseases including antibiotics and vaccines, these children are also able to live longer. There has been an increase in fertility due to a number of factors including a reduction in the average age at which menarche occurs and an increase in the number of menstrual cycles a woman has in her lifetime. We will write a custom essay sample on World Population or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The human populations in different regions grew or declined in response to birth, death, migration, and disease. It is estimated that the world population will be at or above 9 billion people. We must really begin to take control of how many people live on this earth. If we’re not careful, earth’s resources will be will be gone. People as a whole must put forth our best effort in trying to maintain balance between us and earth.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
The Wow free essay sample
Question: Give a brief account of an experience that has influenced your opinions or attitudes. Standing on the rough block, I peered down through the fog collected in my goggles at the grimy surface of the water below me, waiting. The buzzer sounded, an obnoxious beep that instinctively told me to lean forward and grab the edge of the starting block. I hated everything about races. In these final seconds before I dove, I pitied myself. I didn’t want to plunge headfirst through the thin layer of debris on the water’s surface. I didn’t want to fling myself forward, a steady stream of directions racing through my head as I put myself through torture. I didn’t want to give everything I had simply to get nothing back. In truth, I didn’t want anything to do with swimming. When I started swimming two years ago, it had been solely for my own pleasure; in ten months I learned the strokes, joined a club team, and made the varsity swim team as a high school freshman. We will write a custom essay sample on The Wow or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Slowly but surely, I started seeing the effects. Wet towels strewn across my floor, damp sheets smelling of chlorine, dead hair from endless hours in the poolâ€â€all were signs of an intruder creeping its way into my life. Eventually, even I began to believe the impossible: I was a swimmer. With competitions devouring my weekends and practice dominating my weeks, my new identity left no time for me to do what I really loved. When I had reluctantly taken up swimming, I promised myself that I would never join a team, but I did. I promised myself I would never give up theater for a sport that I did not even enjoy, but I did. I promised myself I would not make sacrifices, but I did. Gone were the days when I could audition for plays, write stories, or create scripts of my ownâ€â€my days were taken over by the mysterious new role I belly-flopped into. This particular race was the 100-meter butterfly, and as I settled into the sprint, I could feel myself flying. Pulling, launching, and propelling forward, I finally grazed the final wall with my outstretched fingers, lifting my head to the deafening roar of my teammates. Not only had I won the race, but I also achieved a personal best, cutting nearly eleven seconds off of my best time. I waited for the elation. I waited for the excitement, the relief, and the joy. I waited for any bit of emotion. I waited, but emptiness remained. No feeling of pride adorned my face, no smile escaped my lipsâ€â€I felt nothing. Closing my eyes, I tried to remember what it felt like to love. To this day, I remember the feeling the first time I stepped onstage. My mind raced. My heart fluttered. Everything stopped for those few moments when my lines were the most important, my voice the only noise filling the room. I had that feeling that only comes with true joy, the feeling in my heart that I belonged. Walking offstage, there was just one word to describe the breathlessness: wow. Floating in the water surrounded by my cheering teammates, I waited for my wow moment, my proof that all the hard work was worth it, but something was missing. When auditioning for the musical this year, my director shared with us a small piece of consoling advice, â€Å"Sometimes even the best actors don’t fit a part.†Through those ten months of swimming, that is just what I was doingâ€â€playing a role I simply didn’t fit. When my teammates congratulated me and asked me how I felt, I couldn’t help but think, â€Å"What’s my line?†I had been acting all along. No matter how hard I tried to fit the role of a dedicated athlete, I couldn’t make myself love something that was not truly a part of me. That race was my last, and since then I have indulged myself in theater, finally in the role that fits me perfectly. I am not the best actress and I am not always the lead, but when I stand among my fellow cast members, I know I am the most passionate actress. I am the actress most in love with her roles, and in that moment, I embrace myself for who I am: a theater junkie, a drama fiend, and a m usic buff. I used to believe that happiness came from being the best at everythingâ€â€but in truth, it is just the opposite. Being the best comes from being happy with everything you do. Swimming taught me to be a teammate and a competitor, but acting taught me to stop wasting time with things I don’t absolutely love. In the end, no one remembers the races they won or the roles they received. All they remember is the wow.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
BSA-376 Work-Related Project Analysis Essays
BSA-376 Work-Related Project Analysis Essays BSA-376 Work-Related Project Analysis Essay BSA-376 Work-Related Project Analysis Essay The paper seeks to describe the Electric Medical Records (EMR) systems architecture at Mount Carmel Rehabilitation Care Center and Nursing home in terms of data, processes, interfaces, and networks. In addition, the paper will also illustrate and explain the physical and data flow as well as any other necessary diagrams. Data According to Websters Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged, data is defined as: Factual information (such as measurements or statistics) used as a basis for reasoning, discussion, or calculation (Data, 2013). Architectural data as it elates to the description of the EMR system at Mount Carmel Rehabilitation Care Center and Nursing home is approached with the respect of ; data is most efficiently understood in respect to being defined as an integrated collection of stored data that is centrally managed and controlled (Satzinger, Jackson, Burd, n. d, p. 488). Processes According to Websters Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged, processes is defined as: a progressive forward movement from one point to another on the way to completion: the action of passing through continuing development from a eginning to a contemplated end: the action of continuously going along through each of a succession of acts, events, or developmental stages: the action of being progressively advanced or progressively done (Processes, 2013). Architectural processes as it relates to the description of EMR at Mount Carmel Rehabilitation Care Center and Nursing home was approached with the understanding that everything from the design to the implementation of an EMR is a process that requires complete attention to detail. Interfaces According to Websters Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged, Interfaces is efined as: The place at which two independent and often unrelated systems meet and act upon or communicate with each other (Interfaces, 2013). Architectural interfaces as it relates to the description of EMR at Mount Carmel Rehabilitation Care Center and Nursing home was approached with respect to, the understanding of the ideology that, Interface is the system to the users (Satzinger, Jackson, Burd, n. d, p. 488) in that, the design of the EMR systems at Mount Carmel Rehabilitation Care Center and Nursing home was approached with respect of how the end users will interact with the system (Satzinger, Jackson, Burd, p. 488, n. ). This was achieved by using the Pricenple keys; the eight golden rules. As the foundation for how their EMR system was designed Strive for Consistency, Enable Frequent Users to Use Shortcuts, Offer Informative Feedback, Design Dialogs to Yield Closure, Offer Simple Error Handling, Permit Easy Reversal of Actions, Support Internal Locus of Control, Reduce Short-Term Memory Load (Satzinger, Jackson, Burd, n. d, p. 541). Networks According to Websters Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged, N etwork is defined as: a system of computers, terminals, and data bases connected by communications lines (Networks, 2013). Architectural Networks as it relates to the description of the EMR system at Mount Carmel Rehabilitation Care Center and Nursing is the system that enables its end-users to effectively and efficiently communicate organization wide. Dataflow Diagram: from a physical standpoint In order to effectively construct an EMR system for Mount Carmel Rehabilitation Care Center and Nursing home the architect must first preform an analysis of any and all specification required by the client. To effectively attain this information the analyst must follow the The seven fact-finding techniques which are Review existing eports, forms, and procedure descriptions, Conduct interviews and discussions with users, Observe and document business processes, Build prototypes, Distribute and collect questionnaires, Conduct JAD sessions, and lastly; Research vendor solutions (Satzinger, Jackson, Burd, n. a, p. 53) The first step in implementing an EMR system at Mount Carmel Rehabilitation Care Center and Nursing home is ensuring the all end-users have a clear concise understanding of the hardware components and software components as it relates to the architecture of the EMR as well as how it is installed and operated. Software Proper comprehensive project planning is essential to the success of any project as a whole because, how can one truly know how to succeed at planning a project if one doesnt understand what the plan is? The Plan in regards to implementing an EMR system at Mount Carmel Rehabilitation Care Center and Nursing home is knowledge of proper information gathering techniques and understanding the design methods to be used is the foundation for which the project is set (Work related analysis part 1, by Della Bond) and it starts with understanding the EMR foundation and how it works. Essentially the EMR is the foundation software that allows for the trafficking of sensitive information to flow interdepartmentally. It is the highway for which information travels securely. EMR Architecture EMRs securely exchange information interdepartmentally. If the information that travels interdepartmentally is not proper set acclimated and effective secured, administrative and user productivity great be effected; which could lead to Mount Carmel Rehabilitation Care Center and Nursing homes inability to perform its mission (personal communication, Instructor Busby October 20, 2013). Below is an illustration of Mount Carmel Rehabilitation Care Center and Nursing homes date flow diagram comprised of end-users, Doctors/ Nurses station, the laboratory, and Pharmacy. The diagram illustrates how end-user terminals (Desktops, tablets, and any other electronic computer based device linked to the EMR) communicate within the EMR server. This Diagram also illustrates where information is stored at and retrieved from. Additionally, this Diagram also demonstrates how the Doctors/Nurses station, Pharmacy, and laboratory send and receive information within the EMR. End-User Terminals EMR application server End-User Data Mainframe EMR Hardware Platform According to Rouse front-end and back-end are terms used to characterize program interfaces and services relative to the initial user of these interfaces and services. (The user may be a human being or a program. ) A front- end application is one that application users interact with directly. A back-end application or program serves indirectly in support of the front-end services, usually by being closer to the required resource or having the capability to communicate with the required resource (Para. 1). Apps (applications; E, patient check-in apps) and Data Base servers (E, Citrix) otherwise known as Back-End servers, and computer and/or other electronic devices, otherwise known as Front-End platforms are where end-users interact (depicted below). As supply and demand increases and technology advances, in order to ensure the successful advancement of healthcare organization; the healthcare organization is going to have to eventually implement an EMR system to ensure that the mission of the organization continues to thrive. If the elected officers within the organization are ommissioned to implement the EMR system possessing an Architectural ensures to a great degree the successful implementations of the EMR within the organization. Failure to have such an extensive understanding, generally as a whole can lead to catastrophe error. For example, if the healthcare organization fails to effectively communicate system requirements to the architect because of their inability to understand the design and implementation process; the architect could design that does not meet their needs with will cause project set-back (or in extreme situations; project termination). Set-backs could have the implementing organization millions of dollars of lost man hours, which if continued, could bring a company to its knees if not bankrupt an organization. However, shareholder will pull out and abandon the implementation of the project before that happens. Usually if they have to make that decision; it is done so as a result of the organization inability to stop the financial hemorrhaging due to failure to meet deadline, rising productivity cost and no return, Conclusion This paper has effectively described the Electric Medical Records (EMR) systems rchitecture at Mount Carmel Rehabilitation Care Center and Nursing home in terms of data, processes, interfaces, and networks. Additionally, this paper has also effectively also illustrate and explain the physical and data flow as well as any other necessary diagrams. References Data. (2013). In Websters Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged. Retrieved from http://unabridged. merriam-webster. com/unabridged/Data Interface. (2013). In Websters Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged. Retrieved from http://unabridged. merriam-webster. com/unabridged/interface Networks. 2013). In Websters Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged. Retrieved from http://unabridged. merriam-webster. com/unabridged/networks Processes. (2013). In Websters Third New International Dictionary, Unabridged. Retrieved from http://unabridged. merriam-webster. com/unabridged/processes Rouse, M. DEFINITION back-end. Retrieved from http://searchdatacenter. techtarget. com/definition/back-end Satzinger, J. W. , Jackson, R. B. , Burd, S. D. (n. d). Systems Analysis and Design In a Changing World (5th ed. ). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Definition and Examples of Elocution in English
Definition and Examples of Elocution in English Elocution is the art of effective public speaking, with particular attention to the clear, distinct, and socially acceptable pronunciation of words. Adjective: elocutionary. In classical rhetoric, delivery (or actio) and style (or elocutio) were considered separate divisions of the traditional rhetorical process. See: rhetorical canons. Etymology: From the Latin, utterance, expression Pronunciation: e-leh-KYU-shen Also Known As: elocutio, style Examples and Observations The word elocution means something quite different to us from what it meant to the classical rhetorician. We associate the word with the act of speaking (hence, the elocution contest)... But for the classical rhetorician, elocutio meant style. ...All rhetorical considerations of style involved some discussion of choice of words, usually under such headings as correctness, purity..., simplicity, clearness, appropriateness, ornateness.Another subject of consideration was the composition or arrangement of words in phrases or clauses (or, to use the rhetorical term, periods). Involved here were discussions of correct syntax or collocation of words; patterns of sentences (e.g. parallelism, antithesis); proper use of conjunctions and other correlating devices both within the sentence and between sentences...A great deal of attention was paid, of course, to tropes and figures.(Edward P.J. Corbett and Robert J. Connors, Classical Rhetoric for the Modern Student. Oxford University. Press, 199 9)​ The Elocutionary MovementVarious factors contributed to heightened interest in the study of elocution in both the 18th and 19th centuries. Numerous scholars recognized that traditional students interested in the ministry or the bar were lacking effective speaking skills, and attempts were made to overcome these deficiencies. Beginning in England and continuing in the United States, elocution became the main focus of rhetoric during this time. . . .In studying elocution, students were primarily concerned with four things: bodily gestures, voice management, pronunciation, and vocal production (the actual formation of the sounds of speech). (Brenda Gabioud Brown, Elocution. Encyclopedia of Rhetoric and Composition: Communication From Ancient Times to the Information Age, ed. by Theresa Enos. Taylor Francis, 1996)The Principal Parts of ElocutionElocution (elocutio) . . . is the proper exposition of the appropriate words (idonea verba) and thoughts (idoneae sententiae) suitable to the th ings invented and arranged (res inventae et dispositae).Its principal parts are elegance, dignity, and composition . . .. Elegance is sensed most frequently in words and thoughts; dignity in the brilliance of the figures of words and thoughts . . .; and composition in the joining of words, in the period, and in the rhythm. (Giambattista Vico, The Art of Rhetoric (Institutiones Oratoriae), 1711-1741, trans. G. A. Pinton and A. W. Shippee, 1996)The clear enunciation of separate words and their elements.The just expression of the sense of words in connected discourse.Appropriate gesture, comprehending under this head the attitude, motions, and aspect of countenance most suitable to lend animation and force to speech. The Requisites of a Good DeliveryElocution is the art of delivering written or spoken language in the way best calculated to express the sense, beauty, or force of the words employed by the speaker.The requisites of a good delivery are:(Alexander Kennedy Isbister, Outlines of Elocution and Correct Reading, 1870)Lord Chesterfield on Becoming a Fine SpeakerThe vulgar look upon a man, who is reckoned a fine speaker, as a phenomenon, a supernatural being, and endowed with some peculiar gift of Heaven; they stare at him, if he walks in the park, and cry, that is he. You will, I am sure, view him in a juster light, and nulla formidine [without apprehension]. You will consider him only as a man of good sense, who adorns common thoughts with the graces of elocution, and the elegance of style. The miracle will then cease; and you will be convinced, that with the same application, and attention to the same objects, you may most certainly equal, and perhaps surpass, this prodigy. (Philip Stanho pe, letter to his son, February 15, 1754) Teachers of ElocutionIf there is a word more repellent than all others to an actor, or to the descendant of actors, it is the word elocution. It is saying a good deal, but, probably, outside of patent medicines, there is no humbug so great as characterizes nine tenths of elocution teaching. Men and women utterly incapable of speaking one sentence naturally undertake to make public speakers. What is the result? Pulpit, bar, rostrum, and stage teem with speakers that mouth, orate, rant, chant, and intone, but are never natural. It is a grievous evil. That elocution can be taught I have no doubt, but I know that most teachers are to be shunned as you would shun the plague.(American journalist and actress Kate Field, quoted by Alfred Ayres in Acting and Actors, Elocution and Elocutionists: A Book About Theater Folk and Theater Art, 1903)
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Titanium Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Titanium - Research Paper Example It can exist in 3 separate forms in nature and numerous alloys have been formed with other metals which only serve to increase its uses. One area where titanium has been found to be of utmost importance is in the medical industry. Medical implants with titanium or titanium alloys incorporated in them have been developed and made use of in the past few decades. This paper will examine the use of titanium in medical implants and its properties that contribute to this success, in particular its property of being non corrosive. 2. General properties of titanium Titanium is a transition metal which is found in the earth’s crust (Balazic et al, 2007). It is the fourth most abundant metal on earth and is found all over the world in volcanic and alluvial deposits. While ores such as rutile and ilmeinite are plentiful, titanium reacts with nitrogen, hydrogen and oxygen and is not easy to extract from its ore (Brunette et al, 2001). Extraction involves very expensive methods and a mere 5% of pure titanium is extracted from an ore usually (Brunette et al, 2001). The density of titanium is about half of that of steel though it is as strong as steel (Balazic et al, 2007). ... Metals commonly used to make stable the alpha form include aluminum, tin and oxygen. The beta form can be stabilized using metals like chromium, iron or vanadium. Using mixtures of both of these stabilizers leads to the production of alpha+beta titanium alloys (Brunette et al, 2001). 3. Uses of titanium Titanium has uses in many different fields including aerospace, power generation, automotive, chemical and petrochemical, sporting goods, dental and medical applications (Rack and Qaz, 2006; Sibum, 2003; Wang, 1996 from Balazic et al, 2007). The commercial aspects of titanium were only exploited in the 1940s (Balazic et al, 2007). Starting in the 1960s, titanium was used as a material in medical implants (Balazic et al, 2007). Now, over a 1000 tonnes or 2.2 million pounds of titanium are used in implants all over the world every year (The Titanium Information Group, 2003). Titanium alloys have also been used in the medical industry and there are three main types of alloys which have b een developed: alpha titanium alloys, beta titanium alloys and alpha+beta titanium alloys (Balazic et al, 2007). Of these, it is primarily beta alloys that are used in medical applications (Brunette et al, 2001) Some of the most common alloys that have been used include Titanium-Aluminum-Vanadium and Nickel-Titanium (Nitinol) (Balazic et al, 2007). Some of the main uses in implants are for bone or joint replacements, dental implants, maxillofacial and craniofacial uses, cardiovascular devices and external prostheses (The Titanium Information Group, 2003). It has also been used in medical fasteners and fixation devices (Brunette et al, 2001). 4. Desirable
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
History homework Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
History homework - Essay Example The four noble truths provide an overview of what Buddhism expects. The third noble truth that is contentment, Buddha assures people of happiness away from suffering forms the discussion. Buddhism is concerned about spiritual nourishment. In this understanding, there are monks and nuns who assist in serving and guiding people. Therefore, material possessions are important in giving the monks and nuns gifts for their services. In temples, material possessions are used as offertories to the gods, pleasing the dead relatives as well as offerings to guests (Karunaratna Suvimalee: pp 70). Material possessions and worldly goods have to bring happiness in life in everyone, people next to them as friends, relatives, family members or business partners. From this account, I agree with the Buddhism philosophy since it elaborates the true use of genuine wealth. Currently, everybody in the city is a workaholic. This shows lack of purpose in life since they spend most of their time working. The lack of purpose has made many people greedy for material wealth in terms of money, property accumulations and businesses. With such greed in the mind, they focus on satisfying their needs while forgetting the community. Children during their early stages in development play around with toys to learn the art of being independent. In adolescent stages, people interact with goods to learn negotiation skills and the art of individualism. For instance, women use commodities for their personal representation while men use commodities in finding and exploring new ventures that promote the economy. Human beings have the freedom to choose what they deem right and enjoyable in life. However, during this process according to Buddha, they have to make wise choices that will ensure effective use of
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Rogers Chocolates Essay Example for Free
Rogers Chocolates Essay What is competition like in the premium chocolate industry? Which of the five competitive forces is strongest? Which is weakest? What competitive forces seem to have the greatest effect on industry attractiveness and the potential profitability of new entrants? The premium chocolate industry is having an intensive competition in Canada with the strong growth potential. Industry growth opportunity imposes increasing competition from rivals and threats of new entrance that adds pressure on overall profitability. Even though Roger’s has been able to establish its place in the chocolate industry with its strong brand recognition and products’ quality, it still needs to be on top of ever- going market changes, by continuously monitoring, crafting and updating its marketing and packaging strategies. Only then it can sustain its competitiveness from the front line rivals. For that, intensity of rivalry among competitors and the threat of new entrants are considered the strongest competitive force, given the fact that the premium chocolate market was growing at 20 percent annually. Given that Rogers’ Chocolates has successfully targeted market niche by its strategy based on differentiation, and by concentrating on narrow consumers segment comprising of affluent customers looking for a luxury experience with a superior taste or an elegant, prestigious and uncommon product, it can be said that the weakest competitive force for Rogers’ is the bargaining power of buyers and the suppliers. Differentiation and niche market remedies the opportunity of price fixing. The threat of substitute products is also at the weakest point, given the fact that Rogers’ chocolates are fairly expensive relative to others in market. Their distinctive hand-packaging process and quality ingredients are not much appealing for others to copy and imitate. The rapid growth and profit prospects factors are attractive enough to induce additional entry to this industry. For that, every chocolate producer is challenged to craft a successful strategy that is strong enough to fight for its profit in competition battle. The competition of the premium chocolate industry is strong. There are some regional brand businesses and some large companies. The key market competitors that are Rogers’s direct rivals are summarized in the table: Company Name| Price| Quality| Packaging| Distribution| Advertising| Godiva| 15 % High than Rogers on standard products and double/triple price on premium chocolate| Not as high as Rogers| Strong; glitzy, sleek modern. Chocolates of various colors molding| Retailers of gift items| Strong| Bernard Callebaut| Similar to Godiva| Good , excelled in new flavour introductions| Superior could be customized at the store| 32 stores across the West, US and Ontario| Great seasonal displays| Lindt| 90% of Rogers| Mid-range| Mid-range| Broad : mass merchandisers, drug grocery retailers| Strong| Purdys| 35% lower than Rogers| Lower than Rogers| Good| 50 locations based in malls , strongest presence in BC| Good, offers discounts on volume purchase| Rogers| Premium price, however low than Godivas Bernard Callebauts| High| hand packaging, old fashioned, not appealing to young consumers| Company owned stores; online mail orders, wholesaling, Sams Deli| Limited to Victorias area| Question 2 How is the premium chocolate industry changing? What are the underlying drivers of change and how might those driving forces individually or collectively change competition in the industry? The premium chocolate industry is showing its shift towards healthy nutrition trend and consumers’ market that is more health conscious about their diet. Purchasers are also demanding more from chocolate than its taste. In line with a broad social trend for healthier diets, the demand for organic products, including organic chocolates, is growing. Consumers are looking for products with no trans-fats, as well. Demand for dark chocolate, traditionally less popular than milk chocolate in North America is growing in part because of its heart-healthy anti-oxidant properties. With the increasing trend in healthy diet preference, the underlying drivers of change of competition in premium chocolate industry at the strongest level are the buyers’ preferences for differentiated, refined products, instead of standardized ordinary products that are no longer demanded. In addition, baby boomers generation with their disposable income are spending a lot on high quality premium chocolates. Moreover, consumers and employees are also demanding chocolate companies to follow good corporate social responsibility practices in addressing the environmental concerns in terms of how to design its packaging, procurement and operational decisions. Human rights concerns are also high in terms of consumer expectations of chocolate companies with respect of forced child labour in West Africa. All of these driving forces societal concerns, attitudes and change in lifestyles, are strong enough to shape up the competition and impose the constraint on chocolate industry profitability and competitive survival. One important underlying driver of change in the chocolate industry is the large manufacturers lobbying to change the definition of the term chocolate under USFDA guidelines, if they are successful in doing this then this could potentially have a dramatic impact on the competitive environment, with lots of cheaper products flooding the market. If lots of cheaper brands of chocolates suddenly become available and prices start dropping this could creep into the premium brand segment of the market and force companies like Rogers to lower their prices. Question 3 What key factors determine success for producers of premium chocolates? Rogers’ customers are attracted to the company because of its superior quality. Customers who tasted Rogers’ chocolate are willing to pay its high price because of Rogers’ superior quality, â€Å"Ooooh , Rogers’ That is the best chocolate I’ve ever tested. †(pg. C-185) Key factors that determine success for producers of premium chocolates, looking only at the quality and the product characteristics prospective are: * Taste and quality * Quality ingredients * Price * Package * Advertising * Distribution. The key factors that determine success for producers at the functional levels are: * Marketing – The appeal and quality of the packaging has a big impact on the sales of chocolate and a good advertising campaign to make the brand name well known * Distribution – Having a good distribution network to get product to market in a timely manner and favourable display space * Technology – The use of new technology to reduce labour intensive production methods to reduce production costs * Manufacturing- The availability of labour, ability to produce quality product and achieving economies of scale * Skills Capability- Having talented employees with knowledge of chocolate to continue product innovation, required production management and supply chain management skills and software for accurate decision making * Other- Location of retail stores are also important. * Strong leader and management team who agree on the companies strategic vision and are able to communicate it successfully to all employees Question 4 What does a SWOT analysis of Rogers Chocolates reveal about the prospects for companys future success? What are its key resources strengths and competitive capabilities? its resource weaknesses and competitive liabilities? its external opportunities and threats? Roger’s Chocolates has a good base to succeed in the chocolate industry and increase their market share in Canada and internationally by revamping their brand image, improving their internal production process, increasing their online sales, building stronger management teams, investing in technology to improve their production schedule, forecasting and marketing. The SWOT analysis presented below highlights the company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats: Strengths and Competitive Capabilities * One of the oldest chocolate companies in Canada with a wide range of the highest quality unique chocolate assortments including: an Ice cream line, specialty products, no-sugar added chocolates * Use of natural ingredients. * The company has an impressive loyal customers base around the world * Loyal employees that share company’s value for the higher quality of products * Superior quality of company’s products; in 2006 the company won prestigious Superior Taste award from the International Taste Quality Institute * Company provides excellent retail experience and in 2000 won the Innovative Retailer of the Year award Weaknesses and Competitive Deficiencies * Higher priced products * Labour intense and costly production process. * The company didn’t establish standards to measure its productivity or efficiency * Difficulties with the evaluation of seasonal customers demand, as a result the company carries large inventories * Seasonal problems with out-of stock items result in loss of sales, and production schedule chaos * Unreliable suppliers of art tins. * Unattractive packaging to younger consumers * Difficulty with the prediction of the required production volume of ice cream * Interruptions of the production process with the special orders commitments * Employees resistance to change * Lack of organic or fair trade capabilities Market Opportunities * Projected premium chocolate market’s growth at 20% annually, as baby boomers consume more premium chocolates. * Increased demand for organic and dark chocolates * Pre- Christmas sales demand is growing * Strong brand recognition in the Victoria area, and a â€Å"corporate gift of choice†* Possibilities of Increasing online orders * Cruise port travellers. * Become supplier to Butchart Garden’s gift shop and other tourist destinations on Vancouver Island * 2010 Olympics External Threats * Threat by Hershey’s and Cadbury companies which are growing their presence on the premium chocolate market by acquiring and taking over small companies. * Growing environmental concern * Growing customers concerns related to West Africa’s child labor rights * Some of the big corporate purchasers of Roger’s products such as Second Cup and the Bay switched to low cost providers and concentrate on developing their own line of products * Decline of the US dollars * Poor wholesale presentation of Rogers’ products * Poor Brand recognition outside of BC Question 5 How would you describe Rogers Chocolates competitive strategy? How is it positioned in the industry? What specific steps has management taken to implement this strategy? Do the companys functional strategies and tactics appear to be consistent with its competitive strategy? Rogers’ Chocolate functional strategies are consistent with their competitive strategy. Of the five generic competitive strategies (overall low-cost provider, broad differentiation, focused low-cost, focused differentiation and best-cost provider) the one that best aligns with Roger’s Chocolate competitive strategy is focused differentiation. A focused differentiation strategy means that the company concentrates on serving a narrow buyer segment or niche market. Roger’s Chocolates targets affluent customers with high disposable incomes specifically baby boomers, established families, middle-aged childless couples and empty nesters. Roger’s Chocolates is positioned in the industry as a manufacturer, distributor and retailer of premium chocolates, its main products being high quality, hand-wrapped chocolates. Specific steps Roger’s Chocolates’ management has taken to implement this focused differentiation strategy included * Setting a high price point for its products * Individually hand wrapping their products to give it an elegant, prestigious and uncommon look. * Targeting cruise ship visitors and tourists, as these people tend to have higher disposable income and fit the target demographic. * Advertising in guide magazines and Enroute magazine Air Canada flights to reach tourists as well as seasonal print, radio and TV advertising. The company’s functional strategies and tactics is consistent with its competitive strategy as demonstrated by the tight control it exerts over its brand image, it refuses to lower is prices to compete as this might cheapen its brand image, it also rejected the idea to franchise because it did not want to lose control over the brand and pricing, its manufacturing facility is labour intensive because the company places value on having hand wrapped chocolates. Question 6 How well is Rogers Chocolates strategy working in terms of the financial performance it is delivering? What is your assessment of its level of profitability, its degree of liquidity, and the extent of its leverage? | | | | 2006| 2005| Profitability Ratios| | | | | Growth Profit Margin| | 54. 56%| 55. 16%| Operating Margin| | | 9. 73%| 12. 68%| Net Profit Margin| | | 7. 52%| 8. 92%| Return on Total Assets| | 10. 62%| 12. 57%| Return on Equity| | | 15. 71%| 22. 36%| | | | | | | Liquidity Ratios| | | | | Current Ratio| | | 136. 66%| 124. 49%| Quick Ratio| | | 46. 12%| 57. 85%| Working Capital| | | 625,109| 569,876| | | | | | | Leverage Ratios| | | | | Debt-to-Assets Ratio| | 32. 43%| 43. 88%| Long-Term Debt-to-Capital Ratio| 15. 21%| 22. 79%| Debt-to-Equity Ratio| | 48. 00%| 78. 18%| Long-Term Debt-to-Equity Ratio| 17. 94%| 29. 51%| Times-Interest-Earned Ratio| | 12. 61| 17. 49| | | | | | | Activity Ratios| | | | | Days of Inventory| | | 104. 64| 105. 24| Inventory Turnover| | | 3. 49| 3. 47| Average Collection Period| | 11. 06| 22. 86| Although Rogers is profitable in 2006, their sales and profit are down slightly from 2005. Gross margin is consistent but all other profitability measures are down. ROE is reduced 6% from 2005. The company’s operating margin is reduced 3%, reducing profitability from operations. The company’s current ratio has increased from 1. 24 to 1. 37, but the quick ratio has decreased. The company increased their ability to pay the current debt. The working capital has also increased, giving the company more funds to purchase equipment and investment. The company is in a very good leverage position. The long-term debt –to capital ratio is 15% in 2006, giving them more capacity to borrow additional funds. All leverage ratios have improved from 2005 except times interest earned. In addition, due to Sam’s Deli $200k increase in salaries and benefits increase, the selling and administrative expense have increased, leaving cash at only $112,185 in 2006. The days of inventory are more than 100 days. Since the company spends a lot of cash on inventory and equipment, so there is a big concern that Rogers may not have enough cash and receivables to pay its payables and long term debt. Question 7 What specific actions should Steve Parkhill undertake to improve Rogers competitiveness in the Canadian Premium Chocolate Industry? How will the culture of the organization impact Parkhills decision? As a relatively new CEO, how would you suggest that Parkhill reconcile the competing growth suggestions championed by various members of the Board of Directors? Place Open a small location in Butchart Gardens to tap into the change in tourist travel patterns. Open franchising location outside of Victoria/Vancouver/BC area if they are profitable given ROI/NPV valuation, provided there is a good franchise agreement that can maintain the image of Rogers Chocolates. Boost efforts in capturing and creating a competitive advantage in the online store and corporate gift markets. Establish wholesale or reseller relationship with American companies, at least in the Seattle area due to its close proximity to BC/Vancouver, which will allow Rogers to better reach the affluent target market in the States. It should extend its wholesale distribution outside of British Columbia, especially to Ontario which is its second largest geographical market. Promotion Provide wholesalers/retailer with more incentives, such as sales promotions, especially in the important seasonal periods to improve the display of in-store Rogers products. Instead of obtaining more stores in the Vancouver or BC area, which is capital intensive, provide greater incentives, such as discounts or sales promotions, for more retail/wholesale channels to offer Rogers products, and to gain more prominent in-store displays to increase sales through the 2010 Olympics. Increase the advertising budget to include other provinces, and more mass marketing. Product Reduce the number of products offered to premium products that only have a history of selling well, and have good growth/profitability potential due to derived demand. Keep the brand identity/integrity, but update and standardize the packaging so that it is more modern, appealing and consistent. Operations Divest the ownership of Sams Deli, and concentrate on selling core products from a smaller retail space within Sams Deli. Rogers should improve production processes, lower labour costs, increase efficiency, lower lead-time and inventory on hand. Most of these can be achieved through computerization (ex. accounting, forecasting, scheduling), normalization of sales history, and better demand forecasts. If it can do this, then initially it does not need to increase capacity. If it cannot, then it should relocate off island where the production facilities are more modern, and transportation is cheaper. Improve the company’s management teams communication and change its silo mentality. The culture of Rogers is very good, and provides a strong resource that cannot be easily copied by competitors. Instead of changing it, the new CEO should communicate and educate the staff and board of directors that the changes implemented will improve the long-term outlook of the Rogers while maintaining its long roots, and keeping its core values and approach to business. Since the majority of the board of directors are owners of the business, and require the CEO to double or triple the business, they have vested interest in the long term outlook of Rogers Chocolates. As such, their concerns and varying strategies can be set aside if he effectively communicates that his chosen strategy, of refocusing on a niche differentiating strategy, will improve profitability and growth.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Birthmark Essay: External and Internal Conflict in The Birthmark
External and Internal Conflict in â€Å"The Birthmark†            This essay will analyze Nathaniel Hawthorne’s â€Å"The Birthmark†to determine the external and internal conflicts in the tale.  In the opinion of this reader, the central conflicts in the tale – the relation between the protagonist and antagonist usually (Abrams 225) – are the external one between Aylmer and Georgiana over the birthmark on her cheek, and internal ones within Georgiana between love and self-interest and alienation, and within Aylmer regarding scientific good and evil, success and failure.  Hyatt Waggoner in â€Å"Nathaniel Hawthorne†states:  Alienation is perhaps the theme he handles with greatest power. â€Å"Insulation,†he sometimes called it – which suggests not only isolation but imperviousness. It is the opposite of that â€Å"osmosis of being†that Warren has written of, that ability to respond and relate to others and the world. . . . it puts one outside the ‘magic circle’ or the ‘magnetic chain’ of humanity, where there is neither love nor reality (54).  Waggoner’s theme of alienation does play a part in the tale, but the theme which dominates is that of love conquering self as exemplified in Georgiana’s growing love for Aylmer. Her love transforms her very soul. â€Å"Everything he has to say is related, finally, to ‘that inward sphere’†(McPherson 68-69). â€Å"When he desired to build the kingdom of God, he looked for the pattern of it, not in history nor in the fortunes of those about him, but in his own heart (Erskine 180).  In the opening paragraph of â€Å"The Birthmark†the narrator introduces Aylmer as a scientist who â€Å"had made experience of a spiritual affinity more attractive than any chemical one.†Hawthorne’s... ... Erskine, John. â€Å"Nathaniel Hawthorne.†In Leading American Novelists. New York: Books For Libraries Press, 1968.  Hawthorne, Nathaniel. â€Å"The Birthmark†Electronic Text Center, University of Virginia Library  McPherson, Hugo. â€Å"Hawthorne’s Use of Mythology.†In Readings on Nathaniel Hawthorne, edited by Clarice Swisher. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1996.  Waggoner, Hyatt. â€Å"Nathaniel Hawthorne.†In Six American Novelists of the Nineteenth Century, edited by Richard Foster. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1968.  Williams, Stanley T. â€Å"Hawthorne’s Puritan Mind.†In Readings on Nathaniel Hawthorne, edited by Clarice Swisher. San Diego, CA: Greenhaven Press, 1996. Â
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Nathaniel Hawthorne’s as Anti-Transcendentalist Essay
Nathaniel Hawthorne an American romantic writer, whose literature is known for its Anti-Transcendentalism, wrote Young Goodman Brown and The Scarlet Letter. Nathaniel Hawthorne is a writer during the American Romantics, where the majority of writing is focused on nature, supernatural elements; one’s psychology and the criticism of society’s â€Å"norm†. Nathaniel is Hawthorne known for his notorious Anti-Transcendentalist literature. Anti-Transcendentalism ideals are about one’s evil and inner and sinful nature, where everyone is born evil and no matter what, and that humanity is evil and destructive. Hawthorne is not able to accept the optimism of the Transcendentalists and through his writing he tries to look for truths in one’s heart and mind. Hawthorne’s use of symbols, characters, and themes in his literature classify his writings as Anti-Transcendentalist.Through the use of character development Hawthorne’s literature can be clas sified as Anti-Transcendentalist. In both pieces of literature Hawthorne uses characters who act as the epitome of Anti-Transcendentalism. The Scarlet Letter has two imperative characters that exemplify Anti-Transcendentalist. First we have Dimmesdale; he is a minister in the town and is one of the most highly respected men in Boston. In reality Dimmesdale is a sinner and an adulterer as he slept with Hester, another man’s wife and got her pregnant. Hester’s punishment for her actions are; public humiliation, and the Scarlet Letter. Though Dimmesdale is not revealed as her accomplice over time he himself grows a Scarlet Letter of his own. â€Å"Most of the spectators testified to having seen, on the breast of the unhappy minister, a Scarlet Letter†¦Mr. Dimmesdale, on the very day when Hester Prynne first wore her ignominious badge, had begun a course of penance†(SL 211). When Hawthorne reveals Dimmesdale having a Scarlet Letter it expresses the ideals of Anti-Transcendentalism where his own Scarlet Letter is the example of one’s inner darkness and evil that is inside of him. In Young Goodman Brown after Goodman Brown witnesses all of the townspeople participating in a witchcraft ceremony and comes back to his home he sees the world in a new perspective. â€Å"The next morning Goodman Brown came slowly into the streets of Salem staring around him like a bewildered man†(YGB 7). He is never the same and trusts no one, including his wife. It says that he snatched away the children that Goody Cloyse was talking to and when his wife embraced him he just walked away.(YGB 7 )Hawthorne uses Goodman Brown to show that everyone is evil inside and that he human spirit is destructive. Character development acknowledges a role in how Hawthorne’s literature should be classified as Anti-Transcendentalist.Character Development is not the only factor that classifies Hawthorne’s literature as Anti-Transcendentalist; symbols take on an enormous role as well. In the Scarlet Letter two symbols are Pearl, and the actual Scarlet Letter. Pearl is not only a peculiar child for her age she has a much deeper meaning. Pearl is Hester’s living example of her sin. Pearl’s purpose in the Scarlet Letter is to represent sin, but not only to Hester but in the world as well. The Actual Scarlet Letter is also a symbol which represents not only sin, but the Anti-Transcendentalist idea that your sins will never go away, sin will remain evident inside you and around you. These two examples could not exemplify Anti-Transcendentalist beliefs any more as its primary focus is about sinfulness and how people view sin. In Young Goodman Brown a few symbols that embody Anti-Transcendentalism are the forest and the old man who is meant to be the devil. The forest in both of Hawthorne’s literature has a dark meaning towards it and also is a place where no good can happen Goodman Brown believes that the devil could be present in the forest, and when he sees a woman from his town he hides as he is ashamed to be walking in the forest. The forest is characterized as devilish, frightening, and dark. The old man is also a symbol which is portrayed as the devil. He is used to represent the destructiveness of the human spirit and to show the evil within humanity. All of these characteristics contribute to classify Hawthorne’s writing as Anti-Transcendentalist. Aside from characters and symbols Hawthorne uses themes in his literature which contribute to classifying his writings as Anti-Transcendentalist. The most prominent theme in both pieces of his literature is the, nature of evil in humanity. The Scarlet Letter uses the â€Å"Black Man†as an alter ego to Chillingworth who is a representation for the Devil. On the outside Chillingworth is a doctor who is supposed to help people when they are sick but inside he is evil. Instead of giving Dimmesdale life he is making him sick, as he is taking life and making it miserable. â€Å"‘Come away, or yonder old black man will catch you! He hath got hold of the minister already. Come away, mother or he will catch you!’†(SL 61) The quote is from Pearl who understands Chillingworth is the devil and has already captured and made Dimmesdale’s life horrible. Another instance of the evil in humanity partakes in the Story of Young Goodman Brown where it contains a greate r depth of evil in humanity. The Scarlet Letter is only one man consumed by the devil but in Young Goodman Brown the whole town appears to be taking part in a witchcraft ceremony. When he is taken into the forest he sees the minister, a deacon and many more respected men of his town are evil. â€Å"He recognized a score of church members of Salem†¦Good old Deacon Gookin had arrived, his reserved pastor†(YGB 6) These men and women who are highly respected are taking part in English witchcraft. Hawthorne is expressing that humans are capable of inner darkness and evil, which enable his literature to be classified as Anti-Transcendentalist. Symbols, characters, and themes are the elements that Hawthorne uses to show how his literature can be classified as Anti-Transcendentalist. The symbols in both pieces of Hawthorne’s literature represent sin, and evil, both which are qualities of Anti-Transcendentalism. All the characters in Hawthorne’s literature contain evidence of sinful nature, inner darkness and the destructiveness of the human spirit. These qualities are most prominent in Chillingworth and Dimmesdale and especially with Goodman Brown. Lastly Hawthorne’s primary theme in all his literature is the nature of evil in humanity. Chillingworth exemplifies this theme greatly as well as the towns’ people in Young Goodman Brown. The way Hawthorne writes and his use of symbols, themes, and characters classify his writing as Anti-Transcendentalist.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Biographical sketch of William.C. Morse
William C. Morse has worked all his life in promoting the teachings and ideals of Fritz Redl. Morse’s mentor was his Fritz Redl whose work has been all about children and their mental problems. Morse has done his best to make sure that people remember Redl’s work and its relevance in modern life. Areas of research that both Redl and Morse concentrated on were difficulties in the upbringing of distraught youth and in special education. According to McIntyre (2004), â€Å"Dr. Morse met Redl while serving as director of â€Å"The Fresh Air Camp†where Redl's youth from the â€Å"Pioneer House†residential facility went to summer camp.Dr. Morse later extended Redl's treatment strategies into the schools, and co-authored a classic textbook titled Conflict in the Classroom with his student Nicholas Long. †McIntyre (2004) goes on to say that between 1940 and 1960, Redl and his student Wineman believed that children were good and wanted to help them in ove rcoming their negativities that would later go on to damage the emotioneal development. Redl and Wineman came up with â€Å"caring, realistic, and sophisticated interventions†during their interaction with troubled youth.Troubled youth are those who are reject â€Å"verbally and physically†at people who want to help them. This area became of interest to Redl and Wineman, from which they learnt about life, â€Å"self understanding†and â€Å"self-regulation of one's behavior. †They together write books such as â€Å"Children Who Hate†in 1951 and â€Å"Controls from Within†in1952. Both of these books were then combined into a single book titled â€Å"The Aggressive Child†. Both believed that children should have â€Å"therapeutic environments staffed with skilled and supportive personnel.†Now things have adopted to their views although in those times it was debatable. Supporting Redl’s work Morse emphasizes the need f or having a healthy environment for the development of disturbed children. William Morse’s opinion about Redl’s writing has always been praiseworthy this can be seen from the following quote (Morse, 1991), â€Å"The fact is, many young professionals are struggling with difficult children without the advantage of Redl’s insights. Those who were long ago introduced to his wisdom will find rereading rewarding for there are always ideas that provide cues for tomorrow’s engagements.So let us again become aware of how much we can benefit from his teaching. †Morse stresses on the fact that it is high time that teachers, students and all people who interact with disturbed children to actively follow the guidelines laid by Redl, because Redl in all his books has displayed a sense of vision and the power of description to one and all. According to Morse, Redl was a democrat, was fairly humorous, loved parties, loved learning and was a conscientious worker. Added to it, Redl was very creative in speech and in action, he thought logically which later, became amodel for anyone who dealt with children and their mental health. Commenting on the one of the therapies for troubled children that included summer camps (Smith, 2007) made Morse and Redl proposed that the camping environment was not â€Å"natural†according to many children. There were many adults that would not like the idea of spending time in a camp themselves but â€Å"rashly suggest camp as the automatic remedy for the physical and mental health problems of children. The woods are categorically supposed to be wholesome and full of the enzymes of adjustment†(Morse, 1947).According to Morse (1960), every teacher is concerned with learning in the classroom. The traditional three aspects teacher, student and the syllabus are now expanding horizons. The previously simple classroom process has been changed to a complicated process with more depth. The teachers now ar e for more capable of understanding individual students, although the task of teaching has not become simple but even more intense. This has left teachers stressful in handling situations in and out of class. Students also are changing they have become rebellious and resistant to teaching practices.This adds up to the stress of the teacher. There have been many people who have found the teachings of Redl very useful towards child psychology. Redl had done his best in putting forward ideas and views of children in classroom behavior and behavior of children in general. We need to learn from Redl and Morse’s teaching, this will help us in understanding and managing children much more appropriately. In Morse. W. C (2001), Morse felt that that was not the best time for growing up children. There was gradual decrease in resources and increase of disturbed children.Redl had made a presidential address in 1962 at the American Orthopsychiatric Association was titled â€Å"Crisis in the Children’s field†. The presentation given then holds completely true with the kind of situation that has arisen, just like Redl had envisioned. The problems have always been there, but it was hidden but now the issue has increased in proportions. It is always easy to make healthy children all they need is some care and attention. Once they are influenced by the negative forces then there might be no turning back.If the individual is identified at the right stage then it is good, but the longer it takes to help an individual the more impossible the task at hand becomes. Teachers, institutions and organizations should all take care to follow and adapt approaches to child development similar to what Fritz Redl and William C. Morse have written and discussed. Their work has foreseen events and actions giving the solutions along with it. We need to research analyze and work to enhance their measures, so that all their research is not in vain.Their work is very beneficial to today’s scenario and it is time we work up to accept the challenge that is ahead of us of making capable and positive children. By following in the footsteps of William C. Morse we can look forward to generations of healthy children both mentally and physically, thereby, keeping our world in better hands for generations to come by better methodologies, in the field of special education, classrooms and at campsites. References Morse, W. C. (1991). The Clinical Innovations of Fritz Redl: Crisis Intervention in Residential Treatment New York: The Haworth Press, pp.3-4. http://www. cyc-net. org/quote/quote-171. html Smith, M. B. (2007), ‘The Ego Idea of the Good Camper' and the Nature of Summer Camp,. Environmental History 11. 1 (2006): 67 pars. 1 Dec. 2007 . Morse, W. C (1947), â€Å"From the University of Michigan Fresh Air Camp: Some Problems of Therapeutic Camping,†The Nervous Child (April 1947): 211–12 Morse, W. C (1960), Diagnosing and Guiding Relat ionships between Group and Individual Class Members. CHAPTER XI The Dynamics of Instructional Groups. Book by Gale E. Jensen, Jack R.Gibb, Max R. Goodson, Willard C. Olson, Nelson B. Henry; University of Chicago Press. Grotjahn, M. (1944). Group Emotion and Leadership: Fritz Redl. Psychiatry, V, 1942, pp. 573–596. Psychoanal Q. , 13:52. McIntyre. T (2004), at www. behavioradvisor. com http://maxweber. hunter. cuny. edu/pub/eres/EDSPC715_MCINTYRE/PsychoEdBio. html Morse. W. C (2001). Crisis Intervention in Residential Treatment: The Clinical Innovations of Fritz Redl (Hardcover). http://books. google. com/books? id=ot7hEpswsqUC&pg=PA1&lpg=PA1&dq=william+c+morse+and+children&source=web&ots=nyFtVxyC-F&sig=NeQ3N203tTl4ZFFDGD1vnJxlU8E
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Learn VBA Macro Coding Word 2007
Learn VBA Macro Coding Word 2007 The goal of this course is to help people who have never written a program before learn to write one. Theres no reason why office workers, homemakers, professional engineers and pizza delivery persons shouldnt be able to take advantage of their own hand crafted custom computer programs to work faster and smarter. It shouldnt take a professional programmer (whatever that is) to do the job. You know what needs to be done better than anyone else. You can do it yourself! (And I say this as someone who has spent many years writing programs for other people ... professionally.) With that said, this is not a course in how to use a computer. This course assumes that you know how to use popular software and in particular, that you have Microsoft Word 2007 installed on your computer. You should know basic computer skills like how to create file folders (that is, directories) and how to move and copy files. But if youve always wondered what a computer program actually was, thats OK. Well show you. Microsoft Office isnt cheap. But you can get more value from that expensive software you already have installed. Thats a big reason we use Visual Basic for Applications, or VBA, along with Microsoft Office. There are millions who have it and a handful (maybe no one) who uses everything it can do. Before we go any further, however, I need to explain one more thing about VBA. In February 2002, Microsoft made a 300 billion dollar bet on a totally new technology base for their entire company. They called it .NET. Since then, Microsoft has been moving their entire technology base into VB.NET. VBA is the very last programming tool that still uses VB6, the tried and true technology that was used before VB.NET. (Youll see the phrase COM based to describe this VB6 level technology.) VSTO and VBA Microsoft has created a way to write VB.NET programs for Office 2007. Its called Visual Studio Tools for Office (VSTO). The problem with VSTO is that you have to buy and learn to use Visual Studio Professional. Excel itself is still COM based too and .NET programs have to work with Excel through an interface (called the PIA, Primary Interop Assembly). So ... until Microsoft gets their act together and gives you a way to write programs that will work with Word and doesnt make you join the IT department, VBA macros are still the way to go. Another reason we use VBA is that it really is a fully baked (not half baked) software development environment that has been used for years by programmers to create some of the most sophisticated systems in existence. It doesnt matter how high your programming sights are set. Visual Basic has the power to take you there. What is a macro? You may have used desktop applications that support what is called a macro language before. Macros are traditionally just scripts of keyboard actions grouped together with one name so you can execute them all at once. If you always start the day by opening your MyDiary document, entering todays date, and typing the words, Dear Diary, Why not let your computer do that for you? To be consistent with other software, Microsoft calls VBA a macro language too. But its not. Its much more. Many desktop applications include a software tool that will let you record a keystroke macro. In Microsoft applications, this tool is called the Macro Recorder, but the result is not a traditional keystroke macro. Its a VBA program and the difference is that it does not simply replay the keystrokes. A VBA program gives you the same end result if possible, but you can also write sophisticated systems in VBA that leave simple keyboard macros in the dust. For example, you can use Excel functions in Word using VBA. And you can integrate VBA with other systems like databases, the web, or other software applications. Although the VBA Macro Recorder is very useful for simply creating simple keyboard macros, programmers have discovered that its even more useful to give them a running start in more sophisticated programs. Thats what were going to do. Start Microsoft Word 2007 with a blank document and get ready to write a program. The Developer tab in Word One of the first things that you have to do to write Visual Basic program in Word 2007 is find Visual Basic! The default in Word 2007 is to not display the ribbon that is used. To add the Developer tab, first click the Office button (the logo in the upper left corner) and then click Word Options. Click Show Developer tab in the Ribbon and then click OK. When you click the Developer tab, you have a whole new set of tools used to write VBA programs. Were going to use the VBA Macro Recorder to create your first program. (If the ribbon with all your tools keeps disappearing, you might want to right-click the ribbon and make sure Minimize the Ribbon is not checked.) Click Record Macro. Name your macro: AboutVB1 by typing that name in the Macro Name textbox. Select your current document as the location to store your macro and click OK. See the example below. (Note: If you pick All Documents (Normal.dotm) from the drop down menu, this test VBA program will, in effect, become a part of Word itself because it will then become available for every document you create in Word. If you only want to use a VBA macro in a specific document, or if you want to be able to send it to someone else, its a better idea to save the macro as part of the document. Normal.dotm is the default so you must change it.) With the Macro Recorder turned on, type the text, Hello World. into your Word document. (The mouse pointer will change into a miniature picture of a tape cartridge to show that keystrokes are being recorded.) (Note: Hello World is almost required for a First Program because the very first programming manual for the early computer language C used it. Its been a tradition ever since.) Click Stop Recording. Close Word and save the document using the name: AboutVB1.docm. You have to select a Word Macro-Enabled Document from the Save as Type dropdown. Thats it! You have now written a Word VBA program. Lets see what it looks like! Understanding what a VBA program is If you have closed Word, open it again and select the AboutVB1.docm file that you saved in the previous lesson. If everything was done correctly, you should see a banner at the top of your document window with a security warning. VBA and Security VBA is a real programming language. That means that VBA can do just about anything you need it to do. And that, in turn, means that if you receive a Word document with an embedded macro from some bad guy that macro can do just about anything too. So Microsofts warning is to be taken seriously. On the other hand, you wrote this macro and all it does is type Hello World so theres no risk here. Click the button to enable macros. To see what the Macro Recorder has created (as well as to do most other things that involve VBA), you need to start the Visual Basic Editor. Theres an icon to do that at the left side of the Developer ribbon. First, notice the left hand window. This is called the Project Explorer and it groups together the high level objects (well talk more about them) that are part of your Visual Basic project. When the Macro Recorder was started, you had a choice of the Normal template or the current document as a location for your macro. If you selected Normal, then the NewMacros module will be part of the Normal branch of the Project Explorer display. (You were supposed to select the current document. If you did select Normal, delete the document and repeat the previous instructions.) Select NewMacros under Modules in your current project. If there still isnt any code window displayed, click Code under the View menu. The Word document as a VBA container Every Visual Basic program must be in some kind of file container. In the case of Word 2007 VBA macros, that container is a (.docm) Word document. Word VBA programs cant run without Word and you cant create standalone (.exe) Visual Basic programs like you can with Visual Basic 6 or Visual Basic .NET. But that still leaves a whole world of things you can do. Your first program is certainly short and sweet, but it will serve to introduce the major features of VBA and the Visual Basic Editor. The program source will normally consist of a series of subroutines. When you graduate to more advanced programming, youll discover that other things can be part of the program besides subroutines. This particular subroutine is named AboutVB1. The subroutine header must be paired with an End Sub at the bottom. The parenthesis can hold a parameter list consisting of values being passed to the subroutine. Nothing is being passed here, but they have to be there in the Sub statement anyway. Later, when we run the macro, we will look for the name AboutVB1. There is only one actual program statement in the subroutine: Selection.TypeText Text:Hello World! Objects, methods and properties This statement contains the big three: an objecta methoda property The statement actually adds the text Hello World. to the contents of the current document. The next task is to run our program a few times. Just like buying a car, its a good idea to drive it around for a while until it feels a little bit comfortable. We do that next. Programs and documents We have our glorious and complicated system ... consisting of one program statement ... but now we want to run it. Heres what thats all about. Theres one concept to be learned here that is very important and it often really confuses first timers: the difference between the program and the document. This concept is foundational. VBA programs have to be contained in a host file. In Word, the host is the document. In our example, thats AboutVB1.docm. The program is actually saved inside the document. For example, if this was Excel, we would be talking about the program and the spreadsheet. In Access, the program and the database. Even in standalone Visual Basic Windows application, we would have a program and a form. (Note: There is a trend in programming to refer to all high level containers as a document. This is specifically the case when XML ... another up and coming technology ... is being used. Dont let it confuse you. Although its a slight inaccuracy, you can think of documents as being roughly the same as files.) There are ... ummmmm .... about three main ways to run your VBA macro. You can run it from the Word Document.(Note: Two subcategories are to select Macros from the Tools menu or just press Alt-F8. If you have assigned the macro to a Toolbar or Keyboard shortcut, thats one more way.))You can run it from the Editor using the Run icon or Run menu.You can single-step through the program in debug mode. You should try every one of these methods just to become comfortable with the Word/VBA interface. When you finish, you will have a whole document filled with repeats of Hello World! Running the program from Word is fairly easy to do. Just select the macro after clicking the Macro icon under the View tab. To run it from the Editor, first open the Visual Basic editor and then either click the Run icon or select Run from the menu. Heres where the difference between the Document and the Program might become confusing to some. If you have the document minimized or perhaps have your windows arranged so the editor is covering it, you can click the Run icon over and over and nothing seems to happen. But the program is running! Switch to the document again and see. Single stepping through the program is probably the most useful problem solving technique. This is also done from the Visual Basic editor. To try this out, press F8 or select Step Into from the Debug menu. The first statement in the program, the Sub statement, is highlighted. Pressing F8 executes the program statements one at a time until the program ends. You can see exactly when the text is added to the document this way. There are a lot of more refined debugging techniques such as Breakpoints, examining program objects in the Immediate Window, and the use of the Watch Window. But for now, simply be aware that this is a primary debugging technique you will use as a programmer. Object Oriented Programming The next class lesson is all about Object Oriented Programming. Whaaaattttt! (I hear you moaning) I just want to write programs. I didnt sign up to be a computer scientist! Fear Not! There are two reasons why this is a great move. First, in todays programming environment, you simply cant be an effective programmer without understanding object oriented programming concepts. Even our very simple one-line Hello World program consisted of an object, a method, and a property. In my opinion, not understanding objects is the biggest single problem beginning programmers have. So were going to confront the beast right up front! Second, were going to make this as painless as possible. Were not going to confuse you with a load of computer science jargon. But right after that, were going to jump right back into writing programming code with a lesson where we develop a VBA macro that you can probably use! We perfect that program a little more in the next lesson and finish up by showing you how to start using VBA with several applications at one time.
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